Programming lights for absolute maximum output


Newly Enlightened
Dec 6, 2003
So, when programming my lights, I like to have one of the settings set to the absolute maximum output that the light can sustain (even if it is essentially "burst" mode, or short duration as the light gets hot fast when it is used), one medium output mode, and one really low mode for walking around in a darkened bedroom.
I have one light where it seems to be tricky to judge when the light is producing its maximum output: the Akoray k-106. I have my best results when I program it out on a dirt road in darkness, as then it seems a little easier to judge the level as it ramps up. However, the ramping process seems to be relatively rapid with that light, and I am not 100% sure I have it set at the max.
Does anyone have a preferred method that they use to judge the output as their light is ramping through its levels??

Also, specifically for the Akoray k-106, is there any way to reset the programming on the light back to "factory specs", as it came from the retailer ??
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To program the K106 on max, you don't have to do it on the ramp. After ramping up, it blinks, then stays on a constant level for a couple seconds. That constant level is 100% output.
Thanks, that did the trick
It's not obvious, and might be good to make it clearer in the Flashlight programming Wiki.

Any more tips that are worth knowing? Howto "Factory reset" anyone??
5 clicks to enter programming works on mine. Also has battery protection mode.
Here's a translation of the Chinese owner's manual someone posted on DX:
On/Off battery discharge protection

Turn on the light.
Soft tap the switch 3 times to toggle between protection on or off. If the light blink once, it is off. If the light blink twice, it is on.

Programming mode

Turn on the light.

Soft tap the switch 5 times or more.

The light will blink once, indicating programming mode 1.

3 sec later, the light will go through the following cycle:

1. low to high. Once reaches the highest, the light will blink once.
2. strobe, from 1Hz to 15Hz.
3. SOS.
Then it will repeat the above cycle.

To set mode 1, turn off the light at the desired setting for more than 1 sec. To continue to set mode 2, turn on the light again within 4 sec. If the light is off for more than 5 sec, it will exit programming mode. Repeat for mode 2 and 3.