Newly Enlightened
I need a proper battery to use in a 3.7V -10,000 mAH pack, subject to low drain (20 mA or less) over a period up to a year.
Was thinking that a couple of the 5000 mAH cells in the larger sizes, connected in parallel would meet the mAH requirements.
26650 would fit the bill but I note that most (all??) don't come with protection. Since this device will be mostly ignored
I am afraid the batteries could be subject to a 100% discharge/under-voltage condition. I am guessing a battery with
protection is an absolute must in this case.
Perhaps someone can recommend a large capacity battery with protection that I can use in parallel? Fires and explosions
are not an option.
Was thinking that a couple of the 5000 mAH cells in the larger sizes, connected in parallel would meet the mAH requirements.
26650 would fit the bill but I note that most (all??) don't come with protection. Since this device will be mostly ignored
I am afraid the batteries could be subject to a 100% discharge/under-voltage condition. I am guessing a battery with
protection is an absolute must in this case.
Perhaps someone can recommend a large capacity battery with protection that I can use in parallel? Fires and explosions
are not an option.