Proper Deoxit usage


Dec 27, 2004

i've just got my Deoxit and Deoxit Gold from Fenix Store and wondered the proper method of using these products.

I was going to use Deoxit first just to make sure that everything was clean and then use the Gold as a last step.

Do I leave the product on the surface or do I wipe it off afterwards?

Will either product damage the o-rings in Fenix lights?

Any other tips, guidance and advice would, as always, be gratefully received.

Many thanks in advance,

Not a flashlight expert but I use Deoxit and ProGold on audio connections regularly. I use rather alot of Deoxit and let it dry without wiping off and then use ProGold.

I recently modded a red led minimag 2AA with a terralux tailcap switch. After a few days the switch became intermittent. I removed the switch and sprayed Deoxit down the hole the spring sits in and then waited a few minutes and shot some filtered compressed air in there. Then I shot a very small amount of ProGold into the hole, waited a few minutes and then actuated the switch a few times then reinstalled the switch on the flashlight. Its been totally rock solid now for about 2-weeks and doesn't seem to be deteriorating at all.

Good stuff. ;)

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Wipe it on, let it dry. Gently wipe off any residue. Same with gold, if there is any residue after it drys, gently wipe or blot if off.
Actually following the guidelines from the CAIG manufacturer's website:

Apply Deoxit. Wait 2 minutes, wipe with clean cloth. Repeat until cloth comes back clean. I have had to use as many as 3 applications before some parts were actually clean.

Deoxit Gold (formerly called "ProGold") is applied. Wipe off excess. Wait 2 minutes before using. This gives a longer lasting & better conducting layer of protection than Deoxit alone.

If you are only going to buy one product, get the Deoxit in 100% solution. I like to use their pens, which allows the applicator tip to be unscrewed and refilled with a backup bottle. If you get the bright idea (like I did) about grabbing those little cheap spray bottles at RatShack--DON'T--because they are only 5% active ingredient. They recently came out with a 100% fomulation in the small spray bottles, but I have not seen those at stores yet, and the control using the spray pretty much I doubt it would be worth the extra cost.
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Is the Deoxit that the Fenix Store sells the 100% solution. If not, where can I get the 100%?


You can also order them from Caig directly at If you order over $100, they were giving out a free ball cap. You might also ask for any product samples they might have, citing your application and membership in CPF. I ordered a bunch when I was in Iraq this past January for use on our equipment and they sent me some nice samples and literature. I agree with LuxLuthor, the pens are the way to go if you only had one product. They make a really handy technicians kit and equipment survival kit at Caig. Rat Shack doesn't carry those products, and they are very nice to have to fit whatever situation you might be in. Good luck.

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