|protection| pcb conn|ctions . .|
| Balance. | charge co|nnections|
center tapped, center being between the 2 cells, probably a bad way to say it.
Tapping: to feed-tap-wire off of the batterys connection points
tapping each cell unit at its postive and negative points.
the protection PCB will Usually have some minor instructions, and a B+ B- B1+ B2+ type of connection data, so it wont be hard. (B meaning battery + meaning the top postive connection point)
|B+ . . . . .|B2+ . . . . |B3+ . . . |B4+ . B-|
the setup your talking about is like this, you get a 4X li-ion protection for a 14.4 pack protection , and wire the connection points of the battery and the center taps, to the protection PCB. then on the other side (electrically) of the PCB you connect the "load" and the "charge" the output + -.
but to BALANCE the pack for charging, which is highly recommended, you tap off of the SAME 5 points you sent to the PCB (or just tap the same points off the PCB itself), and that goes to your Hobby balancing charger thing.
all this making it sound much harder than it is.
Balanced charging will finish the charge like this
instead of this
This being when protected,
with protection, you cannot do permenent damage, you just do not get a full charge on all cells, without balancing.
it will get even worse than that without protection
without protection even with a proper charger , you could permenetly damage a cell
so with balancing during the charge, all the cells will be balanced up to the same charge voltage (which doesnt define the same exact capacity, but then nothing could do that)