Protected or unprotected?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2008
Li-Ion batteries that is. Is protected better than unprotected? I'm looking to get some Ultrafire 14500's for my Teralux TLE-300M and I don't want to ruin the batteries or flashlight. So are the protected or unprotected the way to go?
Only reason I would choose unprotected is if the driver had built in li-ion protection OR the slightly larger size of protected batteries simply won't fit in the tube.
+1, but I'll add "or if you can't buy protected in the size you need"

Unprotected are more likely to go poof.... personally, I'll go protected with whatever cells I can.
Well I'd like to get the Protected UltraFire 14500's but they're longer than regular AA's. I PM'd fivemega to see if they'll fit in his 6AA to 2D adapter but I haven't heard back from him yet. Anyone know if they'll fit?
Curious... are non-regulated cells more efficient? Does the regulation circuitry/PCB draw considerable current from the cell?
it doesn't draw considerable current. The main problem is if leaving lithiums for many years at a time, the protection circuit can have discharged the cell and shut it off, preventing recharge.
Go with protected whenever possible.

How will you use the batteries? You might burn out the module with too much voltage.
I have a WF-500 that I use 2 18650 protected in. The problem is it does not want to start. Sometimes it does. Batteries are grey 2400 mah Trustfires. I suspect it is the protection circuit. Here is my question. How about using one protected and one un protected? Also when charging, charge them both together so that when the protected turns off I know the other is done. What to do? The light is very bright and useable.
So are the protected or unprotected the way to go?

I don't waste my time or money on unprotected cells. Keeping a constant eye on the output and making sure to switch off the light once it starts to dim.... No thanks. That's never an issue with primaries or protected cells. If I have to toss out unprotected cells because I ran the light longer than I should have, than what's the point of even using rechargeable cells? I might as well just use primaries.

I love my protected AW 18650 cells.

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