Protected RCR123 cells, where can I buy locally?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2007
Northern CA
Does anyone know if any typical stores sell them? Like Radio Shack, Circuit City, anything like that. I would like to get some this weekend, the 3.7v variety. Otherwise I'll have to be patient and order some.

You can try a camera store. They may carry it.
FlashCrazy said:
Does anyone know if any typical stores sell them? Like Radio Shack, Circuit City, anything like that. I would like to get some this weekend, the 3.7v variety. Otherwise I'll have to be patient and order some.

If you have an Interstate Batteries store locally, they should have some.

Some of the computer based stores like Circuit City, Comp USA, Best Buy ect. might have them, but I've never looked so I don't know for sure.
Check local fry's.
I've seen some there but lately they have not restocked them. I think they are ultralast brand 3V charger and cells combo.
But you would have better cell/charger combo from AW or other online dealers that frequent CPF.
You may also find some in BST area.

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