PWM Regulator-Mag D, JM-PhD-D1, UPDATE


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2006
Boston, MA, USA
The original thread has run a bit long, so I'm continuing it here.
The original can be found here
Part 1

I have a design that will work up to 40V and 12Amps or so. All of the testing I've done using bulbs like the 64623 and 64458 have failed to heat up the FET beyond what I would call luke warm.

I've purchased a bunch of equipment to do all the SMT assembly myself.
The board design is finalized and was sent out for quote.

I've added a few extra pads on the board to take advantage of unused I/O pins for future use by either me or by some enterprising individual who would like to roll their own code.
The JM-PhD-D1 is now for sale.

Sales thread is open HERE
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Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

:ohgeez::ohgeez::ohgeez:OMG, pressed the wrong button!
Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

I orderd 200 boards yesterday afternoon. I also ordered a solderpaste stencil to aid assembly.
Last weekend I ran another test with the new solder paste I bought. I'm still getting a little solder beading/balling, but I haven't had time to mess around with the profile as much. I have one primary change to make. I'm going to try reducing the preheat and soak temperatures for a more gradual ramp from start to the beginning of the reflow ramp.
In any case, the boards and the stencil are on their way.
In another week or 2 I'll be ordering the components. Once they arrive these are the steps.
Build one set of 10 boards.
Program them and test them a little myself.
Send a couple to Lux to beat on.
Lux tests and reports.
If all is well, I start the sales thread and start knocking these babies out.
Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

The original thread has run a bit long, so I'm continuing it here.
The original can be found here
Part 1
I've done tests using bulbs like the 64623 and 64458 have failed to heat up the FET beyond what I would call luke warm.

What about a '633???
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you regarding the 633. Lux will be able to give a full assessment under conditions like that. But, here's my take.
The 633 only draws 12.2 amps max. I've tested with up to 10-11 amps with no real heat issues. It's not the wattage of the bulb that would cause problems. It's the current. So a 633 should be no big deal.
I'd like to see Lux use his parallel bulb rig to test these so that current is in the 15-18 Amp range. I think that will start to cause heat problems and bear out the limits.
Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

Excellent! Gives me about enough time to save up for these after some other purchases, and to decide what voltages to run my bulbs at. Tough decision ya' know. Always the back and forth... brightness, or bulb life?

It's not easy being a flashaholic. ;)
Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you regarding the 633. Lux will be able to give a full assessment under conditions like that. But, here's my take.
The 633 only draws 12.2 amps max. I've tested with up to 10-11 amps with no real heat issues. It's not the wattage of the bulb that would cause problems. It's the current. So a 633 should be no big deal.
I'd like to see Lux use his parallel bulb rig to test these so that current is in the 15-18 Amp range. I think that will start to cause heat problems and bear out the limits.

:eek: I bet you are one of those "whips and chains" kind of guys too! :D:D:D

As always, Jimmy thanks for all the great work. That chip image detail is unreal!

Anyone looking at bulbs that suck up > 8-10 Amps will need lots of battery parallel IMR-18650 or a 26700 cell, or they will run out so fast.
Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

Anyone looking at bulbs that suck up > 8-10 Amps will need lots of battery parallel IMR-18650 or a 26700 cell, or they will run out so fast.
I'll leave the whips and chains comment alone for now.... :devil:

But 8-10 amps is no worse than a lot of folks running the 64623s, 64458, 64625s, etc on 2/3As.
This unit won't be able to support the huge current flows placed on the JM-SST, but it should be more than enough for most D-Cell applications.

Maybe try 2 64623s in series with a 30V input and 28V output? That would be over 200W.
The parallel bulb setup will probably spell doom for the FET if you really push it. But what the heck. The FET will be the only casualty.
Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

I orderd 200 boards yesterday afternoon. I also ordered a solderpaste stencil to aid assembly.
Last weekend I ran another test with the new solder paste I bought. I'm still getting a little solder beading/balling, but I haven't had time to mess around with the profile as much. I have one primary change to make. I'm going to try reducing the preheat and soak temperatures for a more gradual ramp from start to the beginning of the reflow ramp.
In any case, the boards and the stencil are on their way.
In another week or 2 I'll be ordering the components. Once they arrive these are the steps.
Build one set of 10 boards.
Program them and test them a little myself.
Send a couple to Lux to beat on.
Lux tests and reports.
If all is well, I start the sales thread and start knocking these babies out.

That is awesome Jim - nice progress. Everything seems to be falling in place :thumbsup:

Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

Boards have been delivered.
So has the solder paste stencil. I'll see about some pics tomorrow.
I placed the order for all the parts today.

I smell regulators. Do you?
Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

Boards have been delivered.
So has the solder paste stencil. I'll see about some pics tomorrow.
I placed the order for all the parts today.

I smell regulators. Do you?

Awesome dude :twothumbs

Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

Digikey should ship today ot tomorrow. But Maxim Semiconductor will ship MAY 13th. Oy Veh.

Any way. I have some samples from them that I can use to build the first 5 for testing.
Funny story...
My family and I were on our way out to dinner one evening. I got out of the car to get the mail. Once back in, I held up a large white envelope and said "Whoo Hooo. MAXIM!". My wife said. "You get Maxim"? I said "yeah, my samples have arrived from Maxim Semiconductor." She said "Only you would get more excited over THAT Maxim"
Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

Hahaha... if she only knew the number of guys around here that would say :hitit: upon receiving some IC chips.

Come to think of it, you might actually want to get a copy of THAT Maxim to cover any semiconductor documentation while reading it, especially in public. ;)

Looking forward to the results of the test units!
Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

"Whoo Hooo. MAXIM!". My wife said. "You get Maxim"? I said "yeah, my samples have arrived from Maxim Semiconductor." She said "Only you would get more excited over THAT Maxim"

That is pretty funny :crackup:

Re: Hotwire PWM Regulator for Mag D body, JM-PhD-D1, Pt 2

Jim, it is great to see your project's progress.

I shipped out the first article drop-in to beta testing this morning, and it looks like yours is not far behind.

How is your software doing, and what features are going to be in the first units?

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