Quad Cree XR-E Q5 Driver Selection help... Complete, Thanks!!


Apr 28, 2004
Desert Hlls,AZ
Hey FWIW, I recently built a 5 D M@g with a ModaM@g PXR Heatsink, 4 Cree Q5's, and 4 DownBoy 917. Each Led has its own downconverter so I know it gets the right current. The advantage to downconverting instead of boosting is that the thing will stay in regulation all the way down the battery life until the battery voltage gets to the LED voltage. with 5 Alkaline D's that would probably be a while. I'm using the Fraen relfectors from Arrow that ledaholic mentioned. they work pretty well. The are a little short so the PXR has to be set high on the light body, but it does work. I'm planning on doing the same thing with a 2C and 2 18650. I'll be relying on the protection circuit of the cells for low voltage cutoff because the downconverter would drink them dry iwthout it. I MAY figure out a low voltage indication circuit.. dunno yet.
3rd Shift, PM incoming