Quality Loupe Magnifier

You probably already know that the higher the power, the closer and more steady you have to hold the loupe to the object.

So the 10x loupe requires a steadier hand than a 4x loupe would.

I carry the 10x loupe in a backpack and a 4x B&L magnifier in my pants pocket. The latter gets more frequent use to compensate for my aging vision. The 10x loupe is good for examining minute details of old coins, knife edges, etc.
I have two old B&L made in rochester loupes, one has a spun aluminum or lite weight metal housing the other a black bakelite housing, one is a 4x the other is much higher but the x rating has worn off. maybe it is a ten focal length is about 1.5 to 2 inches, but it is sharp as a tack. I also have a Starrett dual 4x flip up glasses that work better for long periods when assembling tiny parts.

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