Quark 123 tactical problem? Easily fixed- my fault! Thanks.


Nov 27, 2009
Coastal Maine
Good morning all,

I have an email into 4-7's and will call them today but wanted to ask here for advice as well. I did do a search and found that a loose retaining ring might be the problem as well as dirty threads/contacts I've cleaned the light and checked the retaining ring and still have the problem. I've also used a fresh battery. The flashlight is less than one month old and I have it set for low and high modes. Low is the tight bezel setting. No drops or physical damage to the light of any kind.

Here's what's happening:

Sometimes when switching the light on via a momentary push in high mode with the bezel loose the light only comes on in low mode. When I push the switch all the way in and release with a "click" it comes on in high- only with the "click" activation if you will. This would seem to point to a switch, but there's more to it.

If the light is on in low and I rotate the bezel it won't go into the high mode it just stays low. At other times I will rotate the bezel once to high and back or just to high it will seemingly enter into programming mode. Last night when using it, it would flash in a 3-flash sequence no matter whether the bezel was tight or loose. On a separate occasion the light dropped into the moonlight mode and would not move out of it regardless of bezel position.

Lastly, there have been a few times when depressing the switch there seems to be, for the lack of a better description, a "hitch" or quick flicker of light before it comes on. On the way down to click the switch the light will go off for a fraction of a second then come one again.

I don't know what the issue is. As I said I do have an email as of last night into 4-7's and will call them today but I'm hoping someone's experience can help here.

Thanks a lot,

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Re: Quark 123 tactical problem- any thoughts?

Try tightening the switch retaining ring inside the tailcap.

Hi Jabe1- thanks for the reply. I meant to say retaining ring in my post. I had the wrong terminology, which I've edited. I did check it and it was tight. I took it out and put it back in just to be sure.
Re: Quark 123 tactical problem- any thoughts?

OK- I just had a very helpful talk with Trevor at 4-7's. He suggested that I wasn't loosening the bezel far enough when switching modes so that any play in the head was causing it to act strangely. Indeed I was not loosening the bezel very far to change modes so that could be it. I'm going to use it and see if that was it.
Re: Quark 123 tactical problem- any thoughts?

OK- I just had a very helpful talk with Trevor at 4-7's. He suggested that I wasn't loosening the bezel far enough when switching modes so that any play in the head was causing it to act strangely. Indeed I was not loosening the bezel very far to change modes so that could be it. I'm going to use it and see if that was it.

Yes, it would seem it was my problem. :eek: I've used the light since and played with it to see if I could replicate the problem. I can replicate the problem when the bezel isn't loose enough for the second mode- especially using a full overhand grip. When it's loosened at least a full turn as Trevor said it's fine. Live and learn!