Quark MiNi not Mini?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 29, 2005
Central PA
I just realized that the correct name is MiNi not Mini, why is the "N" capitalized? I thought the name was referring to the size of the light.
you say potato and i say potato. either way you spell it, its a kick *** little light. :thumbsup:
Your question made me curious so I called David and asked. He said that the name "MiNi" has no significant meaning.

Here I was so excited thinking the capital N could have some hidden meaning that would be exposed at some future date.:eek: Like the capital N would mean the MiNi could used the latest nuclear fission power for years without the need for batteries anymore. :)
I dont understand why the new Ti run of MiNi's werent called the TiNi's I mean it makes sense to me, anyone else agree

TiNi AA and CR123 is much more fun to say Ti MiNi, unless of course david is going to come out with a new line of quarks =D

Quark Turbo
Quark Regular
Quark Tactical
Quark MiNi (Ti included)
Quark TiNi (Davids newest line of small edc lights, known for their titanium body and fauxton price tag)

I hope I didnt break David's thursday release date rule

=D A flashaholic has to wish right?
Your question made me curious so I called David and asked. He said that the name "MiNi" has no significant meaning.


Thats a bummer, I thought for sure the capitol "N" was going to have some hidden meaning.
Now you are just show boating. :nana:

I guess my old eyes need glasses.
I had never noticed that before reading this thread.
And I wear one around my neck every day...