Quark Tactical UI, boring for EDC.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 19, 2007
Finland Turku
I bought a Quark AA tactical in neutral white. At first it seemed to be the perfect light, and once I set it up with LOW/HIGH it was perfect (other than that clip, I don't trust it on thin material).

As an edc I usually don't need any more than the low mode (not moonlight), so it basically functions and a mom on single mode light, and if for some reason I need more light I just screw down the head, and I get high.

This UI might be too utilitarian, I mean I get light when I want it with a press on the rear of the light, I can get it momentarily or lock it on. Perfect.

But it is boring. After getting my SC50w from zebralight, I noticed that even though the quark was my perfect edc, the ui was really boring. With the need to fiddle a bit with the SC50 to get to the mode I want, and having to decide how much light I want brings some sort of excitement when using the SC50. Also the side mounted switch is great.

Reverse clicky fenix UI's are pretty fun too, but no disco please. I like the twist for max though, that way I know what I am getting when I press the switch.

This might make the TK20 sound boring too, but for me it is an exciting flashlight. It feels great to hold and operate. The beam is really sharp, and it feels like an extension of your hand. Not being able to choose your lower mode and having to deal with the 50lumens (10hrs runtime) adds to the enjoyment factor for me.

TL;DR: Quark Tac can fit your needs too well and can become boring.
I want my EDC to work so well that it is boring. That's the whole point. That is why I carry a tactical quark (123^2 R5) as my pocket light and a Glock as my firearm. They are simple to operate and flat out work. Exactly what I need.

If you want to fiddle around with things, maybe figure out how to make them work when they don't, or spend time figuring out the way that works best, carry something additional.
I know what you mean, when my Quark tac first arrived I played around with it at home. I was a little "bored" with it- you could only set two modes, and I couldn't decide which, and thought it not enough.
Then I took it to work (always my intention).
The first job was a river search for a missing man presumed drown (he wasn't). I used the low mode to get me around the banks and paths and the high to search the river and opposite banks. It was really easy to switch between the two without getting my main light out, and there was no messing around with flashing modes, modes I didn't need and stuff. In fact, it was perfect for the job.
I am really pleased I have that UI at work.
I'll be buying a LD10 or a non tac Quark for home.
In other words, I guess the "tactical" model does what it says on the tin. And does it well. And that's why they also make the non-tac option.
So I see what you're saying, but buy the right light for the job, and you'll be on a winner.
Horses for courses. The tac is one of the best horses for that course. I love it.
Yes, i LOVE my 2 Quark Tacticals ! :twothumbs

One is a Quark 2xAA TURBO (Warm-white XP-G)

Other is a Quark 2xAA (Neutral-white XP-G), with a "normal" tailcap, so it can tail-stand.

Love 'em both -- they are SUPERB ! :kiss:

Thank you, David/4Sevens, for making these available in "warmer" tints.

I carry the tactical AA2 for moon and max, with the MiNi AA Warm for everything in between.

Perfect for my needs.
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I was a little miffed at the title of this thread...but after reading some of these posts, I sorta agree.

My 2AA turbo is my bed side light. Programmed on moon for middle of the night trips through the house :tired: and max for checking out the noises in the middle of the night! :candle: No unnecessary complications. Just the level you want when you want it.
My L1 and A2L are very "boring". I know that I can instantly access whichever mode I want, and switch between them at will. I also know that they will work when I need them. I don't think that's a bad thing.

If I want a light to fiddle with, I can grab my NovaTac (which also always works, but requires more button pressing to get it to do stuff).
I agree with you, OP. It was always fun to mess with the modes on my LD20 occasionally. The quark is a lot less fun to use, but as everyone else said, it makes it much more efficient. I have it set to low and moonlight, that's all I need. Instant access to both. I do wish that they would let us re-program the heads depending on what we're using them for sometimes...
My first Quark was a Tactical R2 2XAA. I traded the Tactical Head for a Regular Quark head and then proceeded to purchase a 1xAA body, 18650 Body, Both voltage versions of Standard Quark Neutral Warm heads and tactical switches to go with them. I wouldn't mind the new XPG version but I am happy with my "low" output Neutral Warm heads. Max is around 170 and I just have to soft press to select between turbo and strobe modes or loosen the bezel and run through low to high. I find it a little easier to get the exact mode I want this way but still have a momentary functioning switch.
I think boring is good. You don't want things to get "exciting" at an inopportune moment.
For work I use high and medium in my warm quark 2AA tactical. Moon mode, low, and turbo have no use for my job.

Once I am home, the regular makes me happier. All the modes and choices make for a happy user.
It's boring alright. I liove the tall clickie, two modes and slim profile of my 123^2 Tactical. That is one light that I will never part with. The only thing that I want is a lower riding clip option.

Sidearm + 123^2 Tactical + Knife = Ready

If the clip is loose, remove it, bend it and it will be great.
IMO tactical UIs are not the best for most EDC purposes. Tactical is called that for a reason -- if you need a guaranteed, dependable light output instantly with a forward clicky then get tactical. If you need all sort of different light outputs at your fingertips and it's less of an issue if you accidentally get beacon mode instead of max power then get a non-tactical UI.

Personally I prefer the tactical mode since I find simplicity a more useful virtue in a flashlight than a gazillion output levels, which is why my general bump-in-the-night light is a single-mode SST50 :naughty:
The tactical UI is interesting. I have one "tactical" Quark and one "regular" one. I like what the Tactical tries to do with setting just two programmable modes at any one time. I don't like that there's no quick & easy way to access another mode without reprogramming the damn thing and I use different levels too often for the tactical interface to be practical.

In the end I'm probably going to be selling both anyway.
I love the Quark Tac UI but I do wish I could have a third output. I use medium most of the time and often find myself in a situation where it would be better if I could change from medium to a lower mode.

I have my Quarks set to med on loose and high on tighten and I'm not willing to reprogram the high for the low mode I often need. I always have more than one light on me at a time so if I need some low output I change lights.

Yes the Zebralight UI is awesome no doubt about that but the Quark Tactical has it's place as well, like others already mention it's easy and reliable.

On a side note I just received my first Ti light a Quark cr123x2 Tactical and I'm in love with it, not sure why I waited so long to get one I guess I just didn't buy into the hype.
You just need more lights, my friend! Get yourself a couple of Liteflux lights and a D10 R2 to go with your Quarks and you'll have plenty to keep you from getting so bored.

The Quark Tactical head and tail cap combo is a wonderful set-up, whether on 18650, 17670, 16340x2, 14500, or 16340. I have a bunch of Quark parts: tactical and regular heads, various bodies, li-ion cells and various tailcaps and can make up about any configuration that seems good at the time. Toss in an LF3XT, LF2XT, a couple of D10 R2s, perhaps a Jet III M, a Jet I Pro and I find nothing to be bored about with my lights! :thumbsup:

You just need a few more lights to play with!
I am thinking of getting a tactical for my wife, particularly for its operation simplicity. She likes the tactical tail switch (anything that protrudes) much more than a recessed switch. And she doesn't think that a flashlight can be anything but boring! (a.k.a. utilitarian). Switch on / switch off. So easy, a wife can do it! Hahaha... j/k - my wife is quite capable, as I am sure many other spouses are, she just doesn't get any joy form it like some of us.

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