question about wolf-eyes tail cap charger with M90


Newly Enlightened
Sep 18, 2006
toronto Canada
I just recieved a set of 3 wolf-eyes LRB 168 batteries for my new M90 and plugged in the tail cap charger. The bulb glowed slightly and the light on the charger was red. This only lasted for maybe 10 minutes before the lamp stopped glowing and the charger light turned yellow-green. Is it still charging? I have charged a set of AW batteries and used the light, but in that case I left the room after plugging in, and didn't come back until four hours later. should the lamp glow for the duration of charging or not?
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Congrats on buying the wolf eyes 13v.........My personal favorite light that I carry on duty.

The lamp glowing is completely normal. It glows as the batts charge. Once the major charge is completed the lamp shuts off. I spoke with Pacific Tactical and they assured me its completely normal. (I actually have 2 M90s for duty use, 1 on my belt, the other charged and ready in my riot bag, and they both glow while charging after a good use/discharge).

I cannot overstate how satified I am with the Wolf EYes flashlights. Almost everytime Im at a scene at night another officer will ask "What the hell is that?????".....The most common lights here at Milwaukee PD are the stingers, ultra stingers, and the SL20.All of those are good lights, but they throw only a fraction of the light that the M90 does. The ultra stinger has a nice little hot-spot but thats it. Even at long distances it falls short. (A great example is once we were looking for a suspect and another Copper shined his ultra stinger at a house about 80 yards away. About a quarter of the side of the house was illuminated. When I "lit it up" virtually the whole YARD was illuminated)...The M90 puts them all to shame.......
thanks for the response EvilPaul. The light is incredible, and I would like to have as good a use for it as you do! This is one light I don't really have practical use for yet, other than the sheer fun of its power and all the options you have with it :rock:

My concern about the lamp glowing is not the fact that it glows, but that it STOPS glowing after a few minutes into the charge. I don't know if this means the charging has stopped or what.

When the lamp stops glowing the 'charge' has stopped and the 'maintenance current' has begun. Your light appears to be functioning normally.
I am thinking of buying the m90 with the upgrade kit to host 3 18650's. As i am in Canada (+ an LEO), PTS will not ship LiOns to Canada.

I was thinking of buying AW's protected 18650's, but was wondering if anyone knows if the tailcap charger will work with this setup, or must I use an external charger?

i like the convenience of the tailcap charger.

(if it doesnt work, i shall have to buy wold eyes brand batteries from within Canada---at higher cost though)

any thoughts would be appreciated.
It works great with AW batteries, but you need to get the tiny magnets to allow the batteries to make contact. I ordered both to Canada from

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