Question - Just ordered 3 Leef bodies - Where to get SF Heads??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 22, 2007
I've been waiting on these Leef bodies to become available, so I jumped on it and bought 1x18650, 2x18500, and 2x18650 natural bodies.

I know where to get tailcaps, but where do I get the SF heads for these? I can only find LED conversion heads when I do searches. Also, I bought C head and C tail versions, but I'm wondering if I should have gotten a C tail and M head version of the 2x18650.

I might change my order, but I would like to see the C and M SF heads that are available first.

Thanks for your help!!

I think the M-heads are available as Turbo Conversion kits. For instance, you can find them here.

Otherwise, just call Surefire directly and ask.

With Aloha,

Get a few of the "G&P Tactical Head for SureFire" also from Lighthound, they fit perfectly, I have a number of them, these are a copy of the "C" heads.....only black of course. If you get them together with the Leef bodies then it wont cost you any extra postage.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I definitely want to stick with SureFire heads (gray) for this so the parts match up as closely as possible.

Any idea where I can get the C heads other than calling SureFire?

Thanks again,

You could scout the CPFMarketplace and also post a want to buy section. C Heads do crop quite often, M heads now and again. IMO leef bodies are excellent, one should have both the C-M and the C-C in the 1x, 2x and 3x 18650 formats for maximum flexibility.

C-M 2x18650 + SF Z46(M3 Bezel) + SFSW02 running MN11 with rechargeable is a favourite, KT4 for higher output. Then there is the 6P bezel + P91 also rocks!. All for 'Guilt Free Lumens'. Tried and tested rechargeable solutions.
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You could scout the CPFMarketplace and also post a want to buy section. C Heads do crop quite often, M heads now and again. IMO leef bodies are excellent, one should have both the C-M and the C-C in the 1x, 2x and 3x 18650 formats for maximum flexibility.

C-M 2x18650 + SF Z46(M3 Bezel) + SFSW02 running MN11 with rechargeable is a favourite, KT4 for higher output. Then there is the 6P bezel + P91 also rocks!. All for 'Guilt Free Lumens'. Tried and tested rechargeable solutions.
Thanks for the info. The M3 bezel is just what I am looking for to use with my 2x18650 body. I wasn't sure if I needed the C-C or C-M for this, but it looks like its the C-M. Thanks for clarifying. Is there a 6P bezel that it HA olive drab to match the leef? I was thinking I'd have to get the C2 bezel for the HA, but I can't find one.