Question on a directional diffuser...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2009
I have a question, and I wasn't sure whether to post this in the General Light discussion forum, or the LED flashlights forum.

Now, I have seen pictures of the cone-like diffusers that can be purchased from Fenix, etc. I'm wondering whether or not a company has built a diffuser cone along the same lines, but finished a portion in such a way as to have a 180* spread, instead of a 360* spread. The reason is, I would like a cone type diffuser to illuminate the inside of my tent while camping, but I would like to only illuminate objects away from me. I realize this post is kind of vague, but I'm having a hard time describing what I would like.

Thanks in advance.
the only way i can think for a direction diffuser would be to have half of the cone shaped diffuser covered with an opaque shield of some sort.
Totally agree - I really can't see the point of a device that throws half of the light backwards straight into your eye !

Instead of taping the diffuser off to block the light, it would be better to redirect it forwards so that it isn't wasted. Would need some kind of curved reflecting surface I suppose . . . :thinking:
Couldn't you just use a normal diffuser that fits right over the lens (and sits parallel to it) and turn the light on its side?
these i have seen/heard

1. spraypaint one side of the diffuser.

2. taping: for neater look, try to get the masking/duct/electrictape inside the cone. might need some sneaking and fiddling but smoother look outside.

friend used couple coats of see-thru red plastic tape to get some light shining his way too but not blind him.

if using aluminum tape it also would help increasing output with its reflective surface. (aluminum foil tape, the thing that is actually used in ducts..)
I have the same issue with the Fenix (and most other fabbed up) diffusers. White is almost as reflective as a reflector (from discussion on a 4AA (?)Energizer(?) lantern a couple of years ago) so using opaque white tape should work well without decreasing overall output, but putting it outside the diffuser would probably not work as well as inside - depending on how well you were able to apply it. In this case, I think the Fenix diffuser will be difficult. The film can diffuser would be easier to apply tape or even shiny posterboard/paper inside of. YMMV.