What range do you need?
Although I had not given it much thought, my guess is that people are blinded by lights only at fairly close range. If you shine a very bright light at someone at 100 yards, you may find that they will look away and not be blinded. If you shine the same light at them at 10 yards, maybe they will be blinded.
At any range, the reaction will probably be to shield the face or look away. But the farther away, the less intense the light will be and hence, the need to be shielded from the glare will be reduced. Maybe at 100 yards the subject would tough it out and instead of looking away, decide to look at you over the sights of a gun.
If this is right, maybe one should not count on blinding except at close range, and if that is true, a good thrower like the M3T with the Lu Factory 450 lu bulb may not be necessary. It reaches out further, but for purposes of blinding an opponent, further may not be necessary. Or even desirable. You may find that a turbo head will give you a narrower beam than a non-turbo, making it brighter within that narrow beam, but the narrower beam may be easier to squirm out of.
Suggestion: do some unscientific testing.