Quick! Real or fake U2? Update: REAL


Newly Enlightened
Mar 2, 2007
I came across a guy on my local CL selling U2's for cheap. I know there were some fake ones made before, but I'm not too sure how to tell them apart.

AFAIK, Fake: No pocket clip, fake selector ring, 2 levels, words that are etched on are lighter.

Anything else I should look for before I drive 20 miles to buy one?

Here is a pic he sent me


Update: I just bit the bullet and picked one up. As far as I know these are real, different serial numbers, 6 levels, pocket clip, HA-BK anodizing.
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Re: Quick! Real or fake U2?

probably fake

I'm kind of assuming that as well because it is CL and because of the price. And it doesn't help that he has been selling a bunch of U2's over the past few months (been watching his listings).

I was wondering what can I look out for to make sure (if I decide to get one) it is the real thing and not a fake.
Re: Quick! Real or fake U2?

Looks like the same seller that has been trying to sell these on eBay for some time now. Originally he was selling them as a lot and then he tried individual sales. They looked pretty beat up based on the pictures he provided the price was around $100 IIRC.
Re: Quick! Real or fake U2?

@kromeke, yeah that's the guy, he is also selling them for $75 a pop. He had one left a few weeks ago and I was really going to buy. He said it didn't have a clip, I asked if it broke off, he said it just doesn't have one. That was my red flag to not buy it then. I don't mind if it's in a beat up condition, cause I am just going to do the same, but I am not going to pay that price for a fake beat up light.
Re: Quick! Real or fake U2?

Why bother?

If you really want a genuine U2 at a decent price, just make a WTB thread over at the CPF MarketPlace. You're not likely to get a mint, used, U2 for $75.00, but you know you won't get stuck with a possible fake. There are some very good fake U2s out there. Why take the chance?
Re: Quick! Real or fake U2?

Ask the seller to take macro pictures of the lights, threads, tailcap, inside the body tube, business end...etc. Post them up here for the experts to look at and compare to legit ones.

Just tell him you are interested and want to see details of the lights condition.

Any decent seller should be able to do this for a sale.
Re: Quick! Real or fake U2?

Thats a great idea, but will sellers really be willing to open up the cheaper lights that you need a knife to get to?
Re: Quick! Real or fake U2?

I got a U2 for this seller his name is Scott from Rancho Cucamonga. I met with him last month. He did have the clipless one for $75, but he sold me his personal one with very little charater he kept on his night stand for $90. I even told him about CPF and CPFMP so you guys could dig in to the great deal. I have quite a collection of SF lights and this doesnt look or feel fake. Why make a flashlight and beat it up to make it look used and sell them. I would think the selector switch would be extremely difficult to make as my light is super smooth going though the different selections. This is mine with a Oveready McClickied Delrin Tailcap Shroud G2 tailcap. Is mine FAKE!


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Re: Quick! Real or fake U2 Update: REAL

I just came home from buying one of his lights. From what I can see, they are REAL. He was a very honest stand up guy, he didn't even know that fake one's existed until just recently.

I was expecting really beat up lights, but the "worst" ones just had a little ano missing on the knurling and a small small dent on the edge of the head.