Ra bedtime story


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 29, 2005
New York City
Around 11pm (5 hours ago) as I laid in bed falling asleep I realized I had not used my Ra Twisty for a while. I always thought it a great light, but with the recent birth of my daughter, and all of the responsibilities of a new home, my hobbies slipped and I got lazy, just relying on the photon on my keychain.

O'h no, I said to myself when the Ra was not to be found in the two logical storage places (night table and closet). I must find it I said to myself, proceeding to rip my house apart looking for it. An hour and a half later after looking everywhere I could think of, I gave up and tried to go back asleep.

Well that lasted about 15 minutes before I was up and about looking anew. Something inside my head said check the jackets - which I did twice - but to no avail. I ouldn't find it anywhere else either. Back to sleep I said, it's got to be lost. Stayed in bed 15 minutes again before walking and again looking. This time after another unsucessful try I really gave up, and went to the Ra site to price a new one.

O'h no, I said to myself after realizing the Ra Twisty isn't even available anymore with a cr123 tube. Back to sleep again, feelng dejected that I couldn't even replace it if I wanted.

Again I woke. Just one more time I decided to check (and to get myself a little drink to calm me down given I was now so riled up to sleep).

One more try - check the jackets again I said to myself. But you have checked them twice already. Well on the third try I checked the one jacket I never wear anymore, and sure enough there was my Ra in the pocket!

Now I can finally go to sleep!

And to celebrate I'm going to buy a sister Ra Clicky to keep my Twisty company. And I'm gong to redouble my effort to put stuff back where it belongs.

Sorry this story isn't that interesting, but after spending most of the last five hours looking for my light, thinking it was irreplaceable, and then finally finding it, I have to tell someone. And quite honestly no one I know could understand why I spent 5 hours looking for a flashlight, let alone one thAt I paid over $150 to purchase...

Good night everyone.
I understand that feeling mate, you finally lie down to sleep and you remember something that won't go away until you fix it. Glad you found the RA, its a quality light worth losing sleep over :D
I envy you, having both an RA twisty and now getting a clicky too! Oh to get my degree and have a real job....
Sleep well :)
That's a new parable of The Lost Son. :D

Glad you found it. Now it makes me feel like ordering a twisty.
DUDE!! What were you thinking?? Your RA should always be on or near your person, hope you learned a lesson. Don't ever be without your RA again.........Now put a fresh battery in that bad boy and go find some darkness to defeat:D HDSFAN
glad you found your twisty,that´s one little peace of electronic art.
my best purchase, so far, as a flashlight "aficionado"
so bad they don´t make anymore with the cr123 tube.
Glad you found it. 3rd times a charm in this case. Wish I could afford a RA clicky to not lose...soon enough I keep telling myself, soon enough.
That's a relly nice story and I'm sure you felt the relief of finding it. I hope I never lose one of my torches again. One was enough! :fail:
Good thing you found it. That is the reason why my EDC Surefires have my firstname, lastname, city and country laser engraved on the head. Just in case one honest soul finds and returns a lost one. Of course I hope I will never, ever come in that situation.

[...]go find some darkness to defeat[...]
:twothumbsI would use that in my signature here in CPF if it is okay for you.

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I can understand the feeling when your light is no longer to be found - happened with my JetBeam Jet-I, which was *always* in one place. Now that day, for some reason, I put it where my 3 yr old daughter could pick it up.

And it so happened, the next day, I could no longer find the light. Oh, I searched almost all logical places where I might have kept it. No luck. Finally remembered where it was yesterday, and the fact that my daughter was playing nearby for about an hour! Ah, I asked her - "did you see the light? did you play with it?" well, she said "no". And it struck me - I went to her box of toys, and searched frantically - sure, it was nestled among some of her soft toys. :)

Since that day, all my lights are high up where my daughter cannot touch them.