Ra Clicky VS Novatac 120P for EDC


Aug 20, 2006
Durban, South Africa
Hey freaks,

I'm trying to decide between the above two lights.

My chief concern about the Ra range is that they look pretty big compared to the Novatacs, and with the stainless bezel I'm assuming they're heavier as well.

I already own a Novatac 85P and I find it a real good size and weight for EDC.

Can someone throw up a pic of the two side by side and give me an idea of how much difference there is in the weight?

I know I can look up the specs but I want to get a real world comparison, ie, does the Ra drag on you when you carry it around for a while?

I don't notice any difference in weight at all. Neither one becomes bothersome when carrying in a pocket due to weight. The increased size of the Ra does make a difference in some cases, however. Clipped in a back pocket, there's no difference, but in a front pocket I do notice the extra length of the Ra when bending at the waist.
I prefer the Novatac clip and the shorter size for pocket carry but these are the only 2 areas that I prefer the Novatac. The weight difference is negligible and the length of the Ra while using the light actually fits my hand a bit better.

Can't go wrong with either, but in my opinion, you go more right with the Ra and by a decent margin due to the more efficient electronics and the more throwy beam (especially in the narrow beam models).
Well, I'm leaning towards the Novatac, primarily because I have a line on a very good deal and its a known quantity.

I did a bit of research here and it seems the flat button Clickys arent all that flat, which is concern for me.

My 85P tail stands perfectly and I dig that a lot.
Well my .02 Ive had a Novatac fail on me and from the sounds of it thats not an uncommon occurrence. My Ra Clicky on the other hand has been riding in my pocket for a couple months now and with the new redisigned switch it is more reliable than ever. Only thing I prefer on my NT more than my Ra was the pocketclip. Much nicer clip and it is more comfortorable to carry. But there are a few aftermarket options for Ra clips nowadays.

Can someone throw up a pic of the two side by side and give me an idea of how much difference there is in the weight?

I know I can look up the specs but I want to get a real world comparison...


Another comparison of both flashlights from my review on Cpfitalia.

Hope this helps for your choice.



The only thing to choose the Ra is for me that you need no battery detect to use batteries or RCR.
But this is not the decision to buy one.
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buy both, you can sell one here easily if you dont like it.

i had a 120 for a while, amazing light.

sold it because i dont like 123s much.

like my 3D mag p7 a lot. :)

i edc an AA light.if i need light, grab an AA cell from literally anywhere and :party:

123s aint that easy.:whistle:
I think the Ra is abetter, improved product, but I'm keeping my 120P, why not use the easter egg and make your 85 a 120?
The easter egg whilst fantastic, can't achieve that! An 85 stays an 85 regardless of the programming - sorry!

I currently have both a Novatac and the Ra Clicky. Both are excellent lights. The Novatac is lighter and smaller with a simliar UI. It however doesn't have auto cell chemistry detection. The Clicky feels the more solid light because it is! I personally prefer the 140Cn narrower beam over the Novatac's beam but you can't beat the wonderful neutral tint of my Novatac - almost perfect colour rendition IMHO. Mine is a very early light and has full factory calibration unlike the more recent Novatac releases.

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Thanks for all the input..... :twothumbs

The Ra is a sexy light for sure!

To be honest, I find the UI on the Novatac very tricky. So far I have managed to figure out how to get two levels and the rest is very much a random hit or miss.

But I do like the form factor of the light. It is small, light and has a good clip. Plus it tailstands like a champ.

I have also dropped it onto tile and it kept on trucking....

I see a Ra in my future, but I think I will grab the 120P for now.
Thanks for all the input..... :twothumbs

The Ra is a sexy light for sure!

To be honest, I find the UI on the Novatac very tricky. So far I have managed to figure out how to get two levels and the rest is very much a random hit or miss.

Maybe this will help : http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=219780

Haven't used it myself, as I've learned how to program from the supplied manual.

After I have turned my 120T into a P, it has become my favorite EDC, for front pocket carry.

only thing I could wish for, would be an even lower, low.
the lowest setting is sometimes too much for checking on the kids, ect.
OK the plot has thickened.....

Apparently the seller actually has a 120E not a 120P.

So the question is do I get the Novatac and try to crack the Easter egg to turn it into a 120P or do I just get a Ra EDC Exec...

The difference in price will be $35 - the Novatac being the cheaper.
I'm thinking you can't go wrong with the RA... On a side note, I had a "problem" with a B42 EDC, and called NT- "A what? Oh, sorry, we can't help you with that, we sold all of our stock, tooling, etc., goodbye!"

So I called RA (HDS) and was warmly welcomed as a long-lost family member (and I got the light working again without even taking them up on their offer to send it in for evaluation).

So, my RA (and HDS) lights keep on trucking, and I keep on buying more... :)
I've got both and really can't tell any practical difference in carrying them in my jeans pocket. I've edc the RA Clicky for a long time and don't even notice it there anymore. I like the RA more I think because I know where it comes from and it is a very high quality package!
Go the Ra. You will eventually buy one anyway. It is the better built light and the technology and efficiency built into this light is cutting edge.

Fully potted electrics, glass lense instead of plastic etc, etc, etc.
