Radio Shack and Xenon Bulbs


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2000
Central Florida
I finally moved near a Radio Shack that stocks the PR based Xenon Bulbs. I picked up 5 of them. I got 2 XPR104's for the 2AA then one each of the XPR102, XPR103 and XPR113 for 2, 3 and 4 C or D cell flashlights.

The only bulb I've tried is the 2AA version. I'll keep the rest on hand to replace my Carley Lamps Xenon Stars as needed. The 2AA appears to be the same brightness as the Princeton Tec Halogen bulb. Since I have only one Tec-20 I can't do a side by side. I'll have to get a multi meter and light meter if I keep purchasing new bulbs and flashlights.
Well at least it's cheaper then the Princeton tec bulb.
I tried the same thing and the radio shack Xenon bulb was MUCH dimmer then the PT halogen bulb, dimer than the kripton too.

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