RadioShack Precharged Rechargeable NiMH - AAA & AA


Dec 16, 2008
Central NJ, USA
  • Capacity: 750mAh
  • Part No.: 23-005 (cell) 23-008 (4 pack - Gray) No longer available
  • Date Code: 10A06
  • Purchased: September 2008
  • Price: *ON SALE* - 4 @ $4.97
Maha MH-C9000 (0H0AA) Results:
RadioShack 750mAh AAA LSD |  #1    #2    #3    #4
01/24/09 Break-In         |  637   655   652   641 mAh
01/22/09 Discharge:  300  |  415   428   411   433 mAh
NOTE(s): All cells new

  • Capacity: 2000mAh
  • Part No.: 23-006 (cell) 23-006 (2 pack - Gray) No longer available
  • Date Code: 10A06
  • Purchased: September 2008
  • Price: *ON SALE* - 2 @ $2.97
Maha MH-C9000 (0H0AA) Results:
RadioShack 2000mAh AA LSD |  #1    #2    #3    #4
01/25/09 Break-In         | 1915  1887  1883  1950 mAh
01/24/09 Discharge:  400  |  305   303  1323  1219 mAh
NOTE(s): Cells #1 & 2 used ~2 weeks in digital thermometer; #3 & 4 new

  • Capacity: 2000mAh
  • Part No.: 23-006 (cell) 23-006 (2 pack - Green/Black) No longer available
  • Date Code: 11A06
  • Purchased: September 2008
  • Price: *ON SALE* - 2 @ $2.97
Maha MH-C9000 (0H0AA) Results:
NOTE(s): Queued...

LINK(s): CPFM: Radio Shack AA hybrids 2XAA $2.97
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Someone has a new toy! :whistle:

Not sure about those abyssmal discharge capacities, though. The RS cells are basically rebadged Rayovac Hybrids, I believe.
I gotta say, those are some craptastic batteries :D
Check back in a few months, after they get a few cycles on them. Remember, '10A06' - they've been 'Couch Potatos' since October 2006 (27 months)! :sleepy:

I'm not as up on the details as you, but, at 75% discharge per year, 75% of 75 is 56.25% (AAA: 422mAh, AA:1125mAh). The AAAs are in the ballpark but the AAs are OUT PERFORMING! :twothumbs
I gotta say, those are some craptastic batteries :D

The 10A06 AAs look OK after Break-In.


OK, I think I see where the confusion may be. The way you present the entries in the tables somewhat implies chronological presentation of the testing. As such, it appears you first did a break-in on the AA's and got about 1883-1950 mAh, but then you did an additional discharge at 400 mA and got only 305-1323 mAh. Did that mislead you also, Mr. Happy, or was it just I? Or, was the order of tests clear to you, but your "craptastic" comment was aimed at how the AA cells remaining capacity out-of-package were wildly varying?

In that regard, TTA, in terms of LSD performance, I would be more concerned about the AA cells. Even though the AAA cells came out lower than rated, at least the AAA cell capacities out-of-package were all very close... nothing like the AA's from 303-1323! (That is, of course, assuming all the AA cells got equivalent charge at point of manufacturer, which I guess should be a safe assumption for any LSD.)
I assumed from the order the results were presented that the discharge was done after the break-in. And for the discharge results to be less than 2/3 of the break-in capacity, in some case much less, indicates very poorly performing cells.

However, if the discharge was done first, before the break-in, then the results would be a little less at variance with expectation.
However, if the discharge was done first, before the break-in, then the results would be a little less at variance with expectation.

And I am assuming not only was the discharge done first, but it was done straight out of the package, before any initial charge was given.
my 11a06 cells were fairly uniform at about 1450 out of the pack and around 1915 after a few cycles.
thats good in my book.
they are getting a daily pounding in a modded arc ls.
i carry 1 set in the light and 1 set as spares.
they get rotated as i use them and have the same number of cycles now.
probably at least 25.
time to do another discharge test.
...OK, I think I see where the confusion may be. The way you present the entries in the tables somewhat implies chronological presentation of the testing...
Sorry. I'm accustomed to reading and writing 'New-to-Old', 'Top-to-Bottom'. I just 'assumed' everyone would realize that by the values. :eek:

...Or, was the order of tests clear to you, but your "craptastic" comment was aimed at how the AA cells remaining capacity out-of-package were wildly varying?

In that regard, TTA, in terms of LSD performance, I would be more concerned about the AA cells. Even though the AAA cells came out lower than rated, at least the AAA cell capacities out-of-package were all very close... nothing like the AA's from 303-1323!
That was explained in the NOTE(s) directly under the table. ;)

You bought a few packages - how are your's doing? Any data to add to the thread?
TTA - you may want to re-order those results. Because, like others, I thought you did the break-in first and THEN the discharge.

That had me worried, because I rather like my ROV Hybrids! They're all that's available locally at Woodman's grocery stores in SE Wisconsin.

Here, Walmart only sells LSD's with a charger - Kodak pre-charged, last time I checked. So the only choice I have is getting ROV Hybrids at Woodman's or ordering online. :shakehead (CC has been fresh out of Eneloops for a LONG time here.)