Radium 9012: Ordered a 623, got a 458 ?


Dec 15, 2009
Right, so I live in this little city in Northern Ontario Canada
and for the last month I've been hunting the mystical Osram 64623 bulb.
It does not seem to be native to these parts, I keep hitting dead ends or exorbitant prices.

But, I have odd luck, I keep stumbling upon BETTER bulbs.
At one local electronics supply store, I went looking for a 623, but found its 150watt big brother, the 633, IN STOCK instead.

I hit up another local electronics supply store, no stock, could not even find a listing for the 623 and they are an Osram Dealer.

They ordered me the only 100w 12v bulb they could find in their catalog and I got This instead:


At first I think "Wtf! 90w? I ordered 100w."

Then I remembered Lux's charts which I have studied thoroughly and thought:

"Wait, whoa, 90w!?!. Could it be?"

According to THIS data sheet on the manufacturer website, it's specs are identical to the 64458. A monster over-drivable to 21volts batting over 12000 lumens.

A quick search of the threads even confirm it to be an identical physical match.

Is anyone familiar with this Make and Model of bulb, and can confirm? my speculation before I go and hit this puppy with 6xA123 cells.

Next to the 633.
Hadnt heard of it, but thats awesome you got a "458 type" bulb lol, cant wait to get my 458 finished!

Funny to 'cuz we were jus talkin bout those about a week ago:D

also have you tried bulb connection? they got 623's for like $4 a piece
Yup, $24 to ship to Canada.
Hence my issue when finding bulbs.

I notice bulb connection has a diff Osran part number: 54251.
Maybe I should bring that to my supplier.

I'm kind of over the 623 really, I only really wanted one so I could test and confirm it in my config before I posted a build tutorial. And to add it to my collection of Hotwire bulbs.

I'd barely use the thing otherwise.
Yup, says "Made in Germany" on the other lid flap.
It also lists the website http://www.radium.de/

It struck me as a high quality bulb. My gut was telling me that the UV-EX had something to do with the glass used, or a coating of sorts.
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't they add UV filtering to the glass of some of the higher output bulbs ?

When I first fired it up, I noticed a bluish tinge on the glass in AW-Low.

Once I get my LiFE cells charged up, I'm going to hit it with a 6-pack and see how it fares. If :poof:, then it's a waste of $15. But unless it can take the wicked overdrive, it's essentially useless compared to some other bulbs.
Haha, I didn't notice that.

That's funny. Classic "Lost in Translation" I think.

Too bad they were under the LED category. :crackup:

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