RAM and Nite Ize Swtches for AA Mini Mags - weird threads


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2004
The Wilds of Tokyo
Can someone please explain to me why both RAM and Nite Ize Swtches for AA Mini Mags won't actually screw completely into the body of an AA Mini Mag?

They are advertised as direct replacements but fit nothing like the original tailcap or a Kroll clickie tailcap which is also a direct replacement. It's frustrating because though I know RAM in particular has an iffy reputation for quality switches the Nite Ize IQ switch would be nice for other applications where the Kroll switch is currently used.

What is up with this? :ohgeez:

drive by :bump:

Could you take a die and rethread the bad switches? If so can this be done by hand or would I need some special tools/machines?

I don't know why that is but I can tell you that I have been VERY interested in getting the nite-ize IQ switch but since I heard that it eats a significant amount of your lumesn up I decided not too, I wish they had the same switch without the blinking LED and the power draw...

Anyway thats my opinion and a free bump for your question...
Luni, I gave up on trying the IQ switches for this very reason (plus, their added resistance). Some pics for you:

Yeah, that's as far as the IQ switch went in! As you can see, some fit nicely, some don't.

MattK (batteryjunction.com) mentioned both problems were fixed a while back, though, so I don't know what's up. Look up his old posts for more.

I've thinking about trying the new IQ switches (lower resistance) but if the threads are still iffy, I guess I'll pass. How old are the switches you have on hand?
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I picked up the IQ in January IIRC, December at the earliest. Green, your switch went into that Arc much further than mine did. When it's mentioned that the problems were fixed it would appear to be incorrect.

I noticed that the red LED marker doesn't activate until you've actually used the switch once. I guess it resets when you break contact so if you don't want it to run all the time just back off the switch and then put it back.


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