RC-G2 issues


Newly Enlightened
Jan 17, 2010
Hi all,
I recently got a RC-G2 and after a camping trip I would click it on, then would have to tap it light to moderately hard for it to come on. It seemed to work better after I took the battery out and put it back in.

After a few times of doing this, I tapped it harder against my desk and since then it will not work. Any suggestions on a possible fix, or is it done?

(I know, I know, it's not the most expensive light... just trying to get it working if I can)
Sounds like it was not making good contact with the battery. You may have jarred something loose by banging it on the desk.

Take it apart and examine all the contacts. You might try different batteries but I think it is a problem with the contacts from what you described.

Someone will be around soon with more knowledge than me to help but try the simple things first. Take it apart and clean all the contacts and make sure they are secure and in the right places. Pull the spring in the tail cap out a bit and it may put the extra pressure you need on the battery. Could be a bad battery.

Try those things and let us know if you get any results. Try to at least get the light to come on for a moment so you know the LED is not burned out and the light still works. If something broke, it can be replaced and fixed but may not be worth your time.

There are a lot of flashlight modders here who would buy it just to work on it but since the light retails for $11.90 shipped new, it is what it is.

If you can't get it fixed, I would like to have it. I have a Romisen RG-G2 and wouldn't mind a spare for parts in case mine goes down. I really like my RG-G2.
Take the tail cap off and using a piece of metal (screwdriver) connect the center of the battery and the body of the flashlight just to see if the light will come on.

If so at least you know the problem is in the tail cap assembly.
I'm definitely a noob here so bear with me while I try to explain the problem... I took off the front lens-piece and noticed with a little bit of tinkering that the actual LED pill assembly is loose. I unscrewed it out and from looking at some of my other lights, I noticed that it should be soldered in to the sides of the flashlight body (I think?).

Let me know if that makes sense, and if soldering it back to the sides will fix the issue.... Thanks for the help.
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Clean all the contacts with rubbing alcohol.....make sure that the tail switch retaining ring is screwed down tight...might have gotten lose.
That's very interesting... maybe I'll pick up a silver one and try it out. While it worked, I must say it was a great light. Just wish it worked again :p
I have more than one of each (black and silver - the "silver" I call gray) and I've had no problems with either color... I have both Q5 and P4 RC-G2s.
I have more than one of each (black and silver - the "silver" I call gray) and I've had no problems with either color... I have both Q5 and P4 RC-G2s.

What are the latest ones coming with? LED wise....
I have two RC-G2's. Bought the black one first (not too long ago on January 10) and then bought a second one in silver (kind of bluish too) which I received last week. The black one was perfect...no issues at all. However, the silver one had problems. The light was very dim the first time I turned it on. Then it also started flickering and would sometimes go out. It would come back on when I hit the tailcap with my palm. When dim, it would get brighter when I hit the tailcap the same way. I wound up cleaning all the contacts and threads with alcohol (including the + contact using a cotton swab). That's all it took! Now fixed...bright and no more flickering. If it hadn't worked, the next step would have been to go through and tighten everything down.

By the way, my black G2 has a 2-wire emitter while my silver G2 has a 4-wire emitter. Just thought I would mention that.
in comparison which one is brighter? The 2- or the 4- wire version?
in comparison which one is brighter? The 2- or the 4- wire version?

To be honest, they're both about the same brightness to me.

Here are some pics (for beam comparison only...not overall brightness/quality).

Black RC-G2 on the left (2-wire) vs. Gray RC-G2 on the right (4-wire):

Just for kicks, here's the Black RC-G2 on the left vs. Romisen RC-H3 that I also bought this past January:

Hope this works...first time I'm uploading pics.
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After staring at the beamshots again, maybe the black one (2-wire) is a bit brighter?
Here's one last beamshot comparing my black G2 (2-wire) to my gray G2 (4-wire).

I thought the earlier shot was harder to compare due to the overall brightness so I took this one after increasing the shutter speed to dim the pic which hopefully makes it a bit easier to see a difference. Of course, any difference (esp when small) may just be due to normal manufacturing tolerances.

Hope you all find this useful.

Black G2 on the left and Gray G2 on the right: