RCR123s for use in both Fenix PD20 and EagleTac P10C2?


Newly Enlightened
May 10, 2009
Hi, I've been a lurker on CPF and I have a few questions before buying some lights to feed my addiction of spending money I don't have on things I have no need or use for..

I've done some research on rechargables in the PD20s, and I've read that a protected 3.0V cell will work fine without resulting in a loss of all modes/pose some potential danger of explosion or something..

However, as I'm interested in an EagleTac P10C2 as well, I'm not sure if the 3.0V cells will work very well in the p10c2 as those can take regular 3.7V cells.

Is there any single solution for both of these lights? I'm looking at the Tenergy 3V 900mAh but I've read that these aren't that great, but at least they don't cause permanent turbo mode on the PD20. I'm worried the P10C2 wouldn't run very well on batteries like these.

What would you recommend for me? A single battery type/charger combo would be ideal. Thanks..
Too late. I decided to just go with the Tenergy 3.0Vs that come off the charger at like 3.6V but drop down to around 3.0V and hopefully they'll work fine for both the PD20 and the P10C2.

If this was a bad decision, someone chime in.. Thanks.