RE: Lithium AA in Quark AA R5


Newly Enlightened
May 15, 2010
Dirty Jersey
RE: Lithium AA in Quark AA R5

once again, sorry if this is in the wrong per my original post with the same title, i recieved several comments suggesting the 14500 re-charge.,...i went ahead nd purchased 2 3.6v Lithium thionyl chloride Batteries to try out. is this a battery i shouldn't have even bothered with? should i even attempt to try this in the Quark AA or just dispose of them? for the record, i G-cycle...:oops:
Re: Lithium AA in Quark AA R5

Is it a MiNi AA, or just regular AA?

If its a regular AA, it should work great if you use it ONLY on Moonlight, or Low, as to prevent potential explosion/venting. Great for night hikes. 1 battery should last you a long time. 2 will last you forever.

If you don't want to risk any dangers, feel free to send em to me :grin2: I'll gladly take them off your hands, and put them to good use.

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