I woke up this morning and moved the mouse on my new computer to take it off screen saver, and I discovered that my son had been on the computer in the middle of the night and for some reason had messed with my programs. He'd left my email open... (what the hell was he doing in my email?!?! :scowl🙂 and he'd left his game, Tremulous, running, not to mention several IE windows... 
I was going to ask him if he'd been hittin' the Guinness or what but didn't get a chance to before I went to work.
So at dinner tonight, he tells me that he got up in the middle of the night 'cuz he couldn't sleep and he got on the computer and wondered what the hell I'd been doing, if I'd had one too many Guinness before I went to bed because he found 14 IE windows open, my email and a couple of other desktop programs. I laughed and told him I was going to ask him the same thing... :laughing:
Then he told me what he discovered. While he was closing out the windows, more kept opening. That's when he noticed that there was a little bug... yes, a real bug... crawling around down on the task bar over the little blue "e". Yes... I have a touch screen on my new computer.
So it seems that the little flying things that are in the house like my computer screen saver (the aurora lights) at night and they all crawl all over it, opening programs and windows and generally having a really good time!
We disabled the touch screen this evening.

I was going to ask him if he'd been hittin' the Guinness or what but didn't get a chance to before I went to work.
So at dinner tonight, he tells me that he got up in the middle of the night 'cuz he couldn't sleep and he got on the computer and wondered what the hell I'd been doing, if I'd had one too many Guinness before I went to bed because he found 14 IE windows open, my email and a couple of other desktop programs. I laughed and told him I was going to ask him the same thing... :laughing:
Then he told me what he discovered. While he was closing out the windows, more kept opening. That's when he noticed that there was a little bug... yes, a real bug... crawling around down on the task bar over the little blue "e". Yes... I have a touch screen on my new computer.
So it seems that the little flying things that are in the house like my computer screen saver (the aurora lights) at night and they all crawl all over it, opening programs and windows and generally having a really good time!
We disabled the touch screen this evening.