Real bugs messing up my computer?!?!


Apr 8, 2002
I woke up this morning and moved the mouse on my new computer to take it off screen saver, and I discovered that my son had been on the computer in the middle of the night and for some reason had messed with my programs. He'd left my email open... (what the hell was he doing in my email?!?! :scowl🙂 and he'd left his game, Tremulous, running, not to mention several IE windows... :wtf:

I was going to ask him if he'd been hittin' the Guinness or what but didn't get a chance to before I went to work.

So at dinner tonight, he tells me that he got up in the middle of the night 'cuz he couldn't sleep and he got on the computer and wondered what the hell I'd been doing, if I'd had one too many Guinness before I went to bed because he found 14 IE windows open, my email and a couple of other desktop programs. I laughed and told him I was going to ask him the same thing... :laughing:

Then he told me what he discovered. While he was closing out the windows, more kept opening. That's when he noticed that there was a little bug... yes, a real bug... crawling around down on the task bar over the little blue "e". Yes... I have a touch screen on my new computer.

So it seems that the little flying things that are in the house like my computer screen saver (the aurora lights) at night and they all crawl all over it, opening programs and windows and generally having a really good time!

We disabled the touch screen this evening.
Never saw a touch screen that sensitive before....

Gotta get me one. 😀


Many touch screens sensitivity can be adjusted. If you like the touch screen option, maybe see if it can be "bug free"? 😛
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Lol, very funny story about the bugs operating your computer!:laughing: Thanks for sharing this.
Maybe a new screen saver would help keep them off...

the 4 lined leaf/plant bugs are by the millions out here.

ate up most the trees in the neighboorhod. swarm me and the house.
its a real hitchcock walkin to your car.

"Poecilocapsus lineatus" have eaten just about all the trees in the neighborhood.

rat bastagaes fly in your eye and up your nose just walking to your car.
windshield is black with their droppings in the morning and ive done interweb reasearch only to find i ougt'ta get the university out here because this is a monumental infestation not covered by science to date let alone the interweb.

they swarm you and cling to your clothes only to fly off and buzz around your car on your way out the neighboorhood.

millions! and the trees have all but shed their leaves for hundreds of yards!

SASHA - (greta?)
the real culprit is a "computer" bug/security type.
your baby went for boobtastic websites and got bit by a bug.
-or simmilar.

sleep to disk/suspend to ram is gonna fix it- if not
standby will not work if theres "bug" input

winkey+L works in a pinch too.
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I've never heard of a bug activating any buttons on a touch screen before...that idea hadn't even crossed my mind before reading your post, but now that I've heard of it, the idea is slowing setting in. How odd though.

It's a good thing he saw the actual bug...otherwise you probably would have had quite a mystery on your hands.
I've never heard of this before either. My students come up with wild stuff, but never have I heard this one. Great story. Mind if I share with my class?

prof... please feel free! 🙂 This is a pretty wild one for me too and truthfully, I wouldn't have believed such a nonsense story if I'd been the one to bring it up to my son and he came back with THAT line of BS. But he's the one who brought it up to me... asking me if I was doing drunk surfing or something (funny how the two of us jumped to the same conclusion, "Were you being all drunk-*** or what?"... even though neither of us drinks like that 😀). But he actually saw the little buggers opening windows... too funny... :laughing:

I'm sure we can adjust the sensitivity but we really don't use the touch screen so it's no big deal to deactivate it.
This is definitely one of those stories which nobody would believe until it happened to them. I know all about bugs and electronics. A couple of times back when I used to work in the meter shop taximeters came in which kept turning on and off by themselves. Many a time the culprit was a small dead roach stuck under a button contact. :sick2:

Are these those really small flies which can get in even through a window screen? If so, then your touch screen is really sensitive.
I'm sure we can adjust the sensitivity but we really don't use the touch screen so it's no big deal to deactivate it.

That's so funny.......

One of my pet peeves is fingerprints on the computer screen :rant: :hairpull: :rant: so you'll never see one of those touch screen monitors in my house.

That's so funny.......

One of my pet peeves is fingerprints on the computer screen :rant: :hairpull: :rant: so you'll never see one of those touch screen monitors in my house.


Bill... that was my big issue when I bought this thing. I bought a big jug of monitor wipes to go with it and that still didn't help me with my "issue"... that's why I stopped using the touch screen after only about 30 minutes of trying it out... :crazy:
prof... please feel free! 🙂 This is a pretty wild one for me too and truthfully, I wouldn't have believed such a nonsense story if I'd been the one to bring it up to my son and he came back with THAT line of BS. But he's the one who brought it up to me... asking me if I was doing drunk surfing or something (funny how the two of us jumped to the same conclusion, "Were you being all drunk-*** or what?"... even though neither of us drinks like that 😀). But he actually saw the little buggers opening windows... too funny... :laughing:

I'm sure we can adjust the sensitivity but we really don't use the touch screen so it's no big deal to deactivate it.

Thank you! I appreciate it.

Very wild story!
LOL. That is a sensitive touch screen. 🙂

My own bug story thinking about it:
While winters are not "cold" in So. Cal, the warmth of the mobo and hard drives must attract them. In summer, it's the mosquitos and winter spiders. The webs are the worst part because they usually put them up in the drive bay then move down closer to the CPU.
Bill... that was my big issue when I bought this thing. I bought a big jug of monitor wipes to go with it and that still didn't help me with my "issue"... that's why I stopped using the touch screen after only about 30 minutes of trying it out... :crazy:
What a relief I'm not alone - the mere thought of a touch screen makes my Dreyfus ticks surface.

Fingerprints :eeew: Other peoples big fat fingerprints EEEEWW :green: :sick2:
Bill... that was my big issue when I bought this thing. I bought a big jug of monitor wipes to go with it and that still didn't help me with my "issue"... that's why I stopped using the touch screen after only about 30 minutes of trying it out... :crazy:

Well, thats about 29 minutes too long for me. 🙂 Like paxxus said, its good to know that there are a few more of us out there. :wave:

paxxus said:
Other peoples big fat fingerprints EEEEWW

Wait till someone sneezes on your screen..... and then leaves :duh2: like nothing just happened. :faint:


That story is too funny! And LowBat's suggestion of a new screensaver was like the cherry on top. :grin2: