REBELLiON Is Born (a.k.a. M963-KL2)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2002
New Jersey
Lately I've fallen into the habit of spending more time building, and less time posting the builds... and while I do have literally hundreds of photos of various things, it won't do a soul any good if they don't eventually make there way to CPF! Sorry about that, folks. :(


This particular build uses the fairly new Luxeon Rebel-100 emitters, which generate an average of 100 lumens at 350mA drive current and heatsink particularly well, as shown in testing by fellow CPFer JTR1962. These emitters make possible some builds thatr previously wouldn't have physically been possible to pull off... and while the unbelievably tiny size of the emitters themselves makes them tough to work with, just couldn't resist trying to shoehorn a full-blown 7-emitter build, usually reserved for something like a Maglite or SureFire KT4 Turbohead, into the much smaller KL2 head! :eek:oo:

Did I mention these Rebels are incredibly tough to work with? :sigh:

After destroying several emitters and in the process discovering all sorts of strange and amazing ways to render them unusable, I finally (knock on wood!) seem to have completed the first M963-KL2, dubbed 'REBELLiON' (pronounced ree-bell-yun, with weird pronunciation of the letter 'i' because it just looked plain cool) ;) plus had a chance to runtime test and take some photos.

IT'S ALIVE! :naughty:




The head incorporates 7x Luxeon Rebel-100 emitters arranged in an array of McR10-R reflectors, with dual-redundant regulation circuitry, all resulting in what hopefully will prove to be a robust platform capable of generating 963 lumens continuous over the course of its runtime. This one does run on a single rechargeable, such as 18650 or AW-C cell, and even 2x123 primaries... just how long it stays in regulation is an open issue... I can say it does at least start out in full regulation though.


As this one comes pretty early in the game as far as building with the Rebel emitters, please excuse the poor centering under reflector array. You have no idea what a challenge these little guys are to mount, and not short-out, and get perfectly positioned for a 7-emitter reflector array, and get heatsinked properly... anyway, the reflectors themselves are plenty forgiving of minor positioning errors and the beam doesn't seem to suffer at all.



On 2x18650 cells, a little magic happens... lo and behold, the thing is Project-M compliant!


The dual-redundant circuitry means at least 3x emitters will continue to run despite any single failure to circuitry or emitters... and as a side benefit, the system also operates as an early warning of an impending dead battery... as the cells weaken, 4x emitters will flicker a bit then shutdown toward the tail end of runtime, leaving 3x emitters operating and yielding a visible diminishment of light, yet still plenty bright for normal use... then the remaining 3x emitters will flicker a bit... then dim noticeably... and finally, continue to run at emergency lighting brightness for as long as the cells can support it. With protected cells, the protection circuitry would probably shutdown the system before this point... with primary 123 cells or unprotected cells, the system would continue to run until the bitter end.


One more subtle benefit to the combination of KL2 head and Project-M compliance at the M963 drive level is the ability to combine pieces for a combination of size and output that flat-out wasn't achievable before. With apologies for the exceptionally grainy photo, note the length of the Leef prototype parts relative to the Milky L1, a 1x123 light...


Output is surprisingly good... the beam is similar to that of a SureFire L4, but several times more intense. The photos may not show it well, but this thing can throw perhaps farther than one might imagine while generating a big, intense wall of light...



That's about it for now! Not the best post, perhaps, but hope it at least gives some idea of what this little monster is all about. Thanks for reading!
Absolutely amazing!!! :twothumbs

Nice work Scott!!!

So when can I expect it to arrive in my mailbox?

Wow, and I was impressed when you crammed 4 emitters into one of those heads!
Better still the retaining ring doesn't even overlap the dinky little reflectors.

Guess I'll be sending you some more money soon Scott. :green:

I thought you had a standing order set up already.....:whistle:
Thanks guys! :eek:

Excellent work! So when should we expect a SF KT4 head full of Rebels with these small reflectors??? Hehe

Man, THAT would be expensive... just the parts alone for that build boggle the mind... which of course means it must be built! Now to find one of our well-heeled flashaholics, perhaps an investment banker, or attorney or something who wants that little something extra in his build, heh heh. :whistle: :naughty:

Good stuff, Scott!
Can we see a photo of the emitters on the heatsink- must be TIGHT work!!!

Sorry ICU, already have the light packed and on the way to William Laffery, its owner, and I forgot to snap pix while the thing was open... what I can tell you is it's built on one of the Shoppe's 7-emitter 'flower' thin MCPCB, but I had to make some modifications, first to split the emitters into two circuits for the redundant circuitry... then to replace a few Rebel-100 emitters that met untimely demises while I was putting everything together. As for tight... well, the emitters aren't all that close together, but the contact pads are so tiny (and on the BOTTOM of each emitter) that mounting the things is pretty tough, and desoldering later even tougher.

That's incredible!

Look at that runtime.
Guess I'll be sending you some more money soon Scott. :green:

Great job.

Bring it on, Skalo! Always ready for a new challenge from you. ;) Thanks for the kinds words, too.

Wow, and I was impressed when you crammed 4 emitters into one of those heads!
Better still the retaining ring doesn't even overlap the dinky little reflectors.

You can't really see it from the photos, but I also repositioned the primary lens gasket to the underside, which is completely different from what I've done in prior KL2 builds. The fact there's a bit of space around the fringes makes it possible... and moving the gasket below the lens allowed for placing the emitters closer to the head end of the light, for less interference from the bezel ring.
That is just amazing in such a small package. Great work! Did you consider putting a red LED in the centre spot, to compensate for the low red output of the white LEDs? Something like the Pink Panther light you and SilverFox designed?
That is just amazing in such a small package. Great work! Did you consider putting a red LED in the centre spot, to compensate for the low red output of the white LEDs? Something like the Pink Panther light you and SilverFox designed?

DM51, yes, in fact at the same time I made Leef a larger 'Baja 1000' light in Mag D head, mounted on BigLeef neck and body tubes. The Baja 1000 has a Lux3 red-orange emitter in the center position and based on a quick look, seems to have the best color balance of any 'Pinky' head I've built yet.

Why didn't I go that route with the REBELLiON? It was simple: I don't have any red-orange Rebels! :ohgeez:

This head may be retrofit with one later.
Milky very very cool mod......Do you know if the Rebels will work in a KL6 head
? What is better for that? an SSC or Rebelion.

Also your PM inbox is full and ther eis no email listed. Need to send you a message.

Milky very very cool mod......Do you know if the Rebels will work in a KL6 head
? What is better for that? an SSC or Rebelion.

Also your PM inbox is full and ther eis no email listed. Need to send you a message.


Boltgun, both emitters (SSC and Rebel) ought to work in a KL6 head... I've been playing with the Rebel in these larger reflectors lately, and they look promising... of course, I've also used SSC a number of times with excellent results, and have the process down for that one... it's a more mature modification, basically.

If my CPF PM is full, you could PM me at CPF-MP and/or send email to...


BTW, thanks for your very kind words. :eek:
Excellent work! So when should we expect a SF KT4 head full of Rebels with these small reflectors??? Hehe

Thanks guys! :eek:
Man, THAT would be expensive... just the parts alone for that build boggle the mind... which of course means it must be built! Now to find one of our well-heeled flashaholics, perhaps an investment banker, or attorney or something who wants that little something extra in his build, heh heh. :whistle: :naughty:

Milky: so how many of these rebels / small reflectors could one cram into a surefire M6 ? and what would the output in lumens be approximately? What batteries / runtime if any would work in the M6 handle and support such a load ? On a similar note....What would a surefire u2 ultra project with these be like ? lumens / run-time / # emitters ?

Milky: so how many of these rebels / small reflectors could one cram into a surefire M6 ? and what would the output in lumens be approximately? What batteries / runtime if any would work in the M6 handle and support such a load ? On a similar note....What would a surefire u2 ultra project with these be like ? lumens / run-time / # emitters ?


BassMan, looks like 19x Rebel emitters in McR10-R reflectors ought to fit in a KT4 turbohead (the head on the SureFire M6, M4, and M3T). Three would be very minor overlay of the bezel ring at the extreme outer edge but I don't anticipate that to impact output to any significant degree.

Here's a quick-n-dirty mockup using reflectors only...


I won't even begin to estimate a runtime since many configurations are possible. I will say these would require a particularly sturdy power source, and I have some ideas on what would work.

In theory, such an arrangement could reach 4370 lumens with the emitters operating in spec.

Batter up? :whistle:

As for the U2, been meaning to post a thread on this one, I've already got a standard Milky mod fo rthe U2 that utilizes 4x Rebel-100 emitters and generates about 500 lumens max with the same multi-brightness functionality as before, same runtimes, less heat generation...


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MILKY, I tried to PM you but you box was full.....I'd like a 4 Rebel modded U2!
I'll try emailing you to get some #' emails never seem to make it to anyone though....?..

Awesome Work! by the Master himself!
Wow-maybe my U2 can be useful again.
I do have one U2 with broken lens.
Let me know the cost for making it modded with 4 rebels and I will ship the head.

BTW -your PM-box is full

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I asked before, but if you don't mod your U2 I'd be interested in it. Let me know.......

Wow-maybe my U2 can be useful again.
I do have one U2 with broken lens.
Let me know the cost for making it modded with 4 rebels and I will ship the head.

BTW -your PM-box is full
Guys, if my CPF inbox is full, you can still PM me at CPF Marketplace or send an email with 'CPF' and your username in the subject line, to...


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