That's an interesting link to that thread
on batteries.
I have read that the NiMH cells have twice
the self discharge as the NiCd's. Now
maybe this isnt that much when the cell is
brand new, but once the cell gets older
it becomes a pain because the batteries
need recharging every month
I'll have to pick up a set of the NiMH cells
one of these days and see for myself. So
far every place i have found them they were
overpriced. I'll wait till i find them for
a decent price first.
Also, in that thread and other places on the
web i have read what i always suspected, but
never tested for myself: that the price
of the battery when weighed with the run time
in a given application means
'all batteries were created equal'

except in the case where high current
is required, such as in digital cameras.
This means the cheaper the battery, the more
cost effective, as you can simply replace
the battery with another cheap one and get
more run time then one expensive one.
Another interesting note is if you look
on the Energizer site and compare their
AA batteries, they spec the e^squared battery
to have less Ah capacity then the old
standard energizer! Yet you will have to
pay more for this one. Supposedly they can
put out higher current pulses like in
digital camera apps. Anyone try this?
Luckily, with low current LED draw we dont
have to worry about high currents.