Rechargeable 123s in an E2E w/KL1?

Bright Scouter

Dec 18, 2001
West Michigan, USA
OK, I've seen lots of comments before that the Quest 123s just can't support the power habits of Surefire lights. But what about trying them in a KL1 headed light? Anyone out there have some they can try?

Originally posted by Bright Scouter:
OK, I've seen lots of comments before that the Quest 123s just can't support the power habits of Surefire lights. But what about trying them in a KL1 headed light? Anyone out there have some they can try?

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The latest thinking on that app. is that it's much more appropriate (with LEDs-incl.Luxeon), than with a power-hungry incandescent. BTW-those so-called rechargeable 123s were actually only 250mAh 1/3AA NiMh.

Even better IMO, is to get 4 of the new, more powerful NimH 400mAH A cells with the just right diameter of 16.9mm.

Much cheaper than the old Quest solution (about $14.US-total) for 5v. operation, and can be charged in an ordinary charger.

Help me out here. Just looked at the NimH A cells and I didn't see 400mAH ones, they were all quite a bit higher. Also those are just about the height of a AA, how would they work in the E2E?
rechargeable 123's ? Here I'am!

I haven't received my KLx heads yet
, so I can't tell you anything for sure about them in combination with the 1/3 AA. But since they are regulated you should have full brightness. Probably 1/3 of the regular time with 400 mAh cells. But we will see.

my 123 site

The cells you can't find are the 1/5 A size cells, they are almost the same as 1/3 AA, just a little thicker (and will fit better, with more capacity!). direct link to 400 mAh cells
OK Whistler,

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to test the KL1 with the rechargeables in an E2e body, and let us know the results.


Hi All,
I will also do a runtime test but using three of the 22mm height 1/2AF (600mAh) Nimh batteries made by GP - (edit:Sorry it's GP60AFH) also at 17mm diameter. The idea is getting 4.2 to 3.6V most of the time for efficiency (since KL1 will work with 3V but prefer 6V) while getting the full 1800mAh all together which is better than the 1/3A 400 x 4 at 1600mAh. Furthermore, the 22mm x 3 = 66mm is almost the exact length of 2 x 123As, no spacer required. Until I got my KL1s...for my E2es

Originally posted by APW:
Hi All,
I will also do a runtime test but using three of the 22mm height 1/2AF (600mAh) Nimh batteries made by GP - (edit:Sorry it's GP60AFH) also at 17mm diameter. The idea is getting 4.2 to 3.6V most of the time for efficiency (since KL1 will work with 3V but prefer 6V) while getting the full 1800mAh all together which is better than the 1/3A 400 x 4 at 1600mAh. Furthermore, the 22mm x 3 = 66mm is almost the exact length of 2 x 123As, no spacer required. Until I got my KL1s...for my E2es

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Intersting,
but you will not change capacity since you only change Voltage (=3,6 V 600 mAh)... But I would be intersted what the runtime will be compared with 4 400 mAh 1/5 A cells (=4,8 V 400mAh).

dimensions GP batteries
dimensions Duracell 123's
The 3.6 volts 600ma has 2.16 Watts available (0.24w more than the other).
I don't know what the low voltage cutout is, but it will be below the 1 volt per cell ideal.
Would the difference in efficiency eat the benefit?

It also has less cells, making reversing a cell more apparent or less likely (as a full 1.2 volt drop wouldn't be overdriven by the other two).

Just my $0.02.

I promised I will do a runtime test on 3 x GP60AFH (1/2A or AF) at 600mAh each. And they fit E2e perfectly and the runtime on first charge is a bit more than 90 minutes at full brightness. And then gradually dimming. Expect to get better results in the next few charges. Each cell drop to 1V each when dimming comes in. I am happy with this results as it's as efficient as 1x123A. Here are some pics on my version of adapter for the 22mm height NiMh cells using a dummy AA and a 1/2AA holder. NB: Current drawn on this KL1 = 310mA


Whistler! It is now your turn to tell us the 4 x 1/5A runtime on KL1.
Originally posted by Whistler:
I haven't got my KLx yet

Am I the only one still without a KLx?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">You're not alone. I'm still waiting too.
Ok, I'll help.

I only have 2 1/5A 400mAh NiMH's so I can't test an E2 so I tested what I have in an E1 w/KL1

Results: (about 5% dimmer than with lithiums)

I was 85% initial brightness at 43 minutes as moon-mode was slowly kicking in. At 45 minutes it was at 50% initial brightness and I stopped the test.

Geez, that's about what I got from my Arc LS1 REV2! And it draws less current, I guess cycling the batteries a few times really helped.