There's always been a significant downside to using rechargeable batteries over alkalines. Even when not being used, just sitting around in your remote, flashlight, or even just on the shelf, rechargeables will lose their charge very quickly when compared to the roughly 5 year shelf life of alkalines . The old-school ni-cad rechargeable batteries will hold a charge for roughly 3 months. Regular NiMH batteries (the type of rechargeables that Walmart and similar places have been selling for years) only hold their charge for
about a month before you have to recharge them. The Sanyo Eneloops, however, will hold their charge for better than a year, due to a fairly new technology that they created. There's a definite reason that everyone here at CPF is recommending the Eneloops. They were the first to come up with the "low self-discharge NiMH" batteries, and are still pretty much the best brand out there.
Here's a long term review praising them.
The best price for the Eneloops seems to mostly be at Amazon, once you take into account their free shipping. They sell AAs in 4 packs, 8 packs, 2 pack with charger, 4 pack with charger (although seems to be a bad deal), and a starter pack with 8AAs/2AAAs/charger/and some handy adapters for using the AAs in yout electronics that use Cs and Ds for $35.00. The best price I could put together for 8AAs and 2AAAs was $29, so for $6 more you get the adapters and the charger (which I think may be easier to use with the Eneloops than the charger you already have). You can always go back later and get a 4 pack of AAAs for $10.98 if you end up needing more than 2.
While on the subject of chargers, you've undoubtedly noticed a few people mentioning getting a better charger than that which you have, or than the one that comes with the Eneloop packages. That's just the nature of a forum like this where most are using their Eneloops under much more demanding conditions than yours, and everyone is "tweaking" for maximum results. It seems to me your primary goal is to save money by not buying any more alkalines. With that in mind, just keep things simple and inexpensive by going with the standard Eneloop charger, or even your V2833 if you decide to buy just the batteries.
Below are a few links to some of the various packages I mentioned.