Rechargeables for L1 SF ?


Oct 19, 2007
Dallas, TX
I was thiking about impulse buying a SF L1 today. I don't currently own any single 123 lights though. All of mine are fed by 18650 and 17670 rotected cells.

Is it ok to run a 3.6v rechargeable in an L1, or will I fry it?

Also, can someone recommend a good protected cell (prefer over AND under protection..just in case) in 3.0v or in 3.6v if it's ok to run those?
I use the Tenergy 900mah 3v rcr cells in mine. They work just like a primary cell, but 1/2 of the runtime.
Cool thanks!

What did you search for to find the threads? I put in "rechargeable 123 L1" and nothing good came up.
I think I'm as guilty as anyone about yeling at people to use search when, in fact, they might have tried but just put in different words than I did (or mispelled ones).
By the way, this is just about the friendliest, most helpful forum I have ever participated in! The modified power wheels forum is probably the only other forum as firendly as this. Of course, that doesn't include the threads where someone baits everyone to talk trash about surefire/fenix, etc... :)
On the power wheels forum, it's the same thing if you ask which is better, power wheels or peg perego (peg perego is better FYI!) :)
In my opinion the search alone is often not enough to help people who really don't know. In my case I use it as a help to find out things I remember having read recently. So first I squueze my memory and afterwards I look for the threads.
