Rechargeables in Series

Tim W

Mar 27, 2006
Leelanau Co. Michigan
Looking for clarification here.

I've seen a number of posts that say running rcr123's in series is a big NO-NO.

I've also seen a number of custom lights in the Custom/Homemade lights area that are set up as 2x this or 4x that battery.

Specifically, what I'm wanting to do is run a Malkoff m60 on 2 rcr123's rather than primaries.

SO, What is the verdict? Am I making a grenade by doing this:poof: or will it be OK:party:?


PS: Here is part of my reasoning: right now I'm running a generic cree drop-in in a surefire M2 with a single 17640 from AW. I also have a couple of 1 cell 123 lights and would like to just have a stash of cells to grab from and not keep track of 2 or more (more, since I also have 3 different sizes for the various Lummi lights I've got) types. Just want to simplify things (short of the obvious way of just buying primaries).
Protected or unprotected, what's important is that the cells you use are of the same capacity (effective, not just printed) and at the same charge level. If one is more charged than the other, or if you use two different types of cells, you run the risk of the weaker cell being reverse charged by the other one. This is very bad for LiIons, will kill them quick smart and may in rare cases cause accidents involving fire.
stick with good protected cells for most applications and they will shut down before anything gets out of wack, make a point not to run them all they way down routinely.