Currently looking into the Rovyvon Aurora line, can't recommend as I haven't had them in my hands but they tick a few boxes for me:
- rechargeable
- tiny
- side-click
- tritium inserts
But the price is high and there are a bunch of features I don't need — doesn't feel "minimalist".
There are reviews on the forum.
I highly recommend these.
I have owned the smaller ones for awhile and took the leap more recently on the larger A23, A25, A28. They are phenomenal.
Probably the best "lesser known" flashlights on the market today. They tick all the boxes. Rechargeable, good UI (although different from everyone else's), easy to carry, great pocket clip on the EDC models, and optional high CRI emitters.
Doesn't really meet OP's criteria, but they're fab.
For OP, I recommend the Wowtac A7. There aren't a lot of "modern" lights with tail switches as the tail switch seems to have become kind of an anachronism but the A7 has one and it is a distinctly good flashlight at a value price.
As to the simplicity of the interface, it has moonlight, low, medium, high, and turbo. You click the tail switch to turn the light on and off, and the side button to progress the light to a brighter mode, which cycles back to moonlight.