Recommendations for 10440 Protected cell light?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 13, 2010
I was looking for some assistance in finding an EDC light that would preferably have a tailcap switch or something similar, and run off 10440 protected cells (as I have a number of them currently-and have nothing I can use them with) as my girlfriend (who is an Oncology nurse), needs something to replace the "Tank 007" that she was using an an EDC for her 3rd shift rounds at work. I let her use my IlluminaTi (great EDC, btw!), but, she found it was difficult to access the different modes as she's checking IV's, O2 saturations, etc.

As far as color (i.e. Q5, R5, etc) she doesn't have a preference, but, she would like something that is more flood than spot. She also doesn't care if the light in question is a single mode light, but, she DID appreciate my IlluminaTi's 3 mode function. She has also used my sons ITP A3, and found it worked marginally better for her, so, if there a "one handed operation" 10440 light that IS a twist, please feel free to add to this discussion. And, price is not an object- her (and my) opinion is she wants to own something that is well made and will last awhile through daily use.

Right now, she's using a "generic" clicky cheapo-light I picked up off Ebay, but the LED in it is decidedly underpowered, with a pretty poor spill and focus. Any help any CPF'ers can give us would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your input!
How about a Preon I from 4Sevens?

I may be mistaken, but off the top of my head I believe you can use a 10440 in one, and it will have the same output level as a Preon II.

Preons also give you the option of twisty or clicky-tail, but if You buy a Preon I, you'll have to buy a clicky tail switch as an accessory because they come only in the twisty configuration.
LiIon batteries require careful charging and use and are not recommended for the casual user. There are many threads regarding the pitfalls and dangers of these batteries, and there are the horror stories. Don't mean to be unduly pessimistic, but your girlfriend should not (until she becomes a flashaholic) be supplied with 10440's, whether protected or not.

Not too long ago with emitters then available, it took 3.7v to make small lights rock. No longer. With an XPG-R5, output with an ordinary alkaline is more than adequate for most tasks assigned a small light. In penlight format, using two AAA's for 3.0v, output is nothing less than stunning.

Check out a Peak Eiger Penlight, which has been upgraded to the XPG-R5:
First, i am not too sure, but i do not think there are any protected 10440s being manufactured. Check out this thread for cells from AW.

Next, I own an LD01 and have occasionally used 10440s in it, it is amazingly bright on max......... for about 6 minutes. Then it dims dramatically. You're better off getting a 4 pack of eneloop AAAs and a charger.

I'd look at an LD01, great and very tough little light, i've hurled mine straight up into the air and let it land on concrete just to prove to a workmate why i paid what i did for it, i then asked him to throw his POS light as well lol.

You can get the LD01 from and there is a discount code "CPF8" which gets you 8% off the price, international shipping is free too.
Sounds to me like you should check out the Ray S20 thread in the CPF Marketplace. Just came out and that sucker looks to be screamingly bright on 10440s. It's a twist switch but appears to be rather easy to operate. I'm considering ordering one myself, and if you order one right now you can get them for the special price of under $30. Definitely worth a look-see.
Wow! Thanks for all your replies! Let me address, if I may, your recommendations in some semblance of an order.

I DID own a Preon with a tail clicky and rue the day I sold it-excellent light, with a very positive clicky and quality construction. Plus, I had the upgrade model, where I could mix n' match parts to create a 1 or 2 cell light. However, they will not run on 10440's- In fact, the owners manual that came with it specifically states that use of 10440's will damage the light, as the single cell version is only rated for a 1.5V cell.

The Peak light looks very interesting(definitely looks well made), as well as the Ray S20 (I've been corresponding with him as well)- I was thinking about possibly trading with my g/f should I decide to buy one. What I dont like about the S20 is the fact it's an "all or nothing affair" where you're either getting 210 lumens or its off...thats it. I personally dont think my g/f would like blinding or frightening her patients with that sort of light in the middle of the night...she likes subtle.

I DO agree that 10440's are something that shouldn't be trifled with. My son recently was the recipient of an ITP A3 Upgrade edition, and he was begging me to borrow some of my 10440's because of the extra light they put out. I tried to use an analogy that he would understand:a car using Nitrous Oxide as a power booster (we're both gearheads, so it seems to be common ground for us), in that, yes, you can shove a 100 hp "shot" of NO2 into an engine, but, chances are, unless it's built specifically to handle the extra power, you're playing with fire. When he still wasn't fully comprehending,I had him hold my IlluminaTi and had him turn it onto the high setting. He noticed how quickly it heated up. I explained why the manufacturer DID NOT recommend 10440's because in lights of that type, the heat sink is just non existent. He got my point. I like using 10440's, but, I am also VERY aware of its limitations and use the high function VERY sparingly!

I decided to do a little shopping online and found a Fenix L10 in Q5-while its not the R5 model, it seems to fit the criterion that I'm looking for, and the price was very reasonable- but I can always use other options. Now, I just have to find a light that DOES accommodate 10440's that ARE protected for myself:thumbsup:

That being said, if anyone has any experience with the L10, please feel free to give me your opinions on this light. I've never owned a Fenix product, but, their reputation for making quality products seems like a good deal. And, if there are some models that I'm overlooking for even single AA or AAA lights, feel free to post 'em here- I can always use another light for my burgeoning collection!

As a personal aside-I've very much enjoyed this site because I have had an affinity for flashlights ever since my teen years as an Eagle Scout. I was in the middle of the mountains in Raton, New Mexico for three weeks stuck with a Mini -Maglite to light up whatever was out there(the light put out an abysmal amount of lumens). Which, back in the mid 1980's was pretty much the best that was available, if you had to have something that was compact. I SWORE after that excursion that I HAD to have lighting that was up to the task. I've learned alot from the members here on CPF, and continue to increase my knowledge base daily. So, I thank you for your input, as it's helping me to learn more about lighting, what works and what doesn't, and how some of the advances in electronics have made flashlights a useful (and from my Military experience) an indespensable tool.
Im surprised nobody mentioned the LiteFlux LF2XT. This light is made for 10440s.

I personally cant comment on it yet as Im awaiting shipping, but searching around this forum one can find TONs of good comments on it!
Really? I'll have to look into that!

My attempt to buy the LD10 unfortunately fell through, so I wrote Ray S20 about their light- came to find out it DOES indeed work with protected 10440's, so I'm going to order one for myself. I'll let everyone know my impressions when I recieve it.

That being said, the search continues for my girlfriends EDC....
For yourself, keep considering and discussing. But for your gf, consider a ZebraLight. Although they don't have an AAA model, they do have an AA, and it's pretty compact. For her tasks, the nice thing about it is that it can be clipped to a shirt pocket, or the top of a shirt, and point forward with its wide floody beam, hands free. Or use the headband. Or tail stand to illuminate an area. It's at least 3 modes with quick and easy electronic clicky switch access. I have the H501w but there are other and newer models. I can use any AA size battery with it - for her, a set of Eneloops, or just some primary lithium AA, would probably be best.
Cistalus- Thanks for the info! I'll look into that model now! Sounds like it would be perfect for her needs!!

Captain Spaulding: THANK YOU Sir for the link you provided!! After reading that (and posting on that thread as well about my communication with Ray Team, I decided to NOT purchase the S20 at this time. I also recieved an email from Ray Team where they back tracked on what they said about 10440's, which, frankly, pissed me off.:mad:
Cistalus- Thanks for the info! I'll look into that model now! Sounds like it would be perfect for her needs!!

Captain Spaulding: THANK YOU Sir for the link you provided!! After reading that (and posting on that thread as well about my communication with Ray Team, I decided to NOT purchase the S20 at this time. I also recieved an email from Ray Team where they back tracked on what they said about 10440's, which, frankly, pissed me off.:mad:

LOL well im glad i helped you get accurate info prior to your decision!

side note, I just received my Liteflux LF2XT and this is THE 10440 light to have! The interface is amazing and I absolutely love the "battery status" feature. (click 5 times in a row and it will flash according to how many volts are left.. eg 3 flashes, pause, 8 flashes, pause, 5 flashes = 3.85V !) Why is this feature not on every light?!?!?!
Cistalus- Thanks for the info! I'll look into that model now! Sounds like it would be perfect for her needs!!

You're welcome!

Also, I'll echo the Captain on the LiteFlux, though mine is an older LF2X (twisty not clicky), it has a very similar versatile interface - among the features of which is you can enable LiIon protection in it, so there's no need to use protected 10440, just use unprotected ones - pretty sure the LF2XT is the same on this feature.
Capt- Thanks once again for the heads up!! I'd LOVE to get a Liteflux...I've always wanted that or a Nitecore...theyre just well made lights in general- 4sevens products are pretty decent too, I might add.

Well folks, I ended up answering my own question, in a manner of speaking, on my g/f's predicament. My very first "true" EDC was a Lumapower avenger that I had loaded with a 10440 unprotected cell, and I absolutely LOVED that light! I was trolling through a thread here on AA lights/comparisons, and it hit me....Lumapowers ability to have GITD rings and tailswitches on most of their EDC's gave me the "Ah ha!" moment of decision I was looking for! The GITD I'm sure will come in handy for her while she's shuffling along on her rounds, should she forget the light in a room, she can locate it quickly in the dark.

I went onto Battery Junctions site (Matt appears to have become my "go to dealer" here at CPF) and thought I could get one of their AA lights there. Much to my chagrin, they are backordered. However, I noticed they DID have an excellent replacement- the IncenDio V3 with the R5 emitter! The best part is the V3 models have 4 brightness modes with a pretty slick UI that allows her to set the level of brightness she likes, instead of clicking up and down settings to get the right one. Not only that, it's a very small EDC- a little thicker than a AAA or a AA light, but pretty small nonetheless. I carried an ITP A2 CR123 Q5 single cell light when I was on Active Duty not too long ago and certainly appreciated the 180 lumens max that I could summon when I needed it.

After spending about an hour reading some reviews here and elsewhere online, I was sold!! I ordered one, along with both CR123 and 16340 cells (thank GOD I possess a Li-Ion charger that can charge 7 different size cells!) for my g/f, along with a small case that can hold 2 batteries for backup that she can throw in her purse. I figure I've found her a very good EDC from a very reputable manufacturer that is both small, functional and should provide her with many good years of service. Not only that, after our last camping trip, where she had to borrow one of my lights, she's also going to have a decent outdoor light to boot!

Here's a nice review by HIDblue here on CPF about his "CPF Edition" model. He does mistakenly believe the light is putting out the full amount of lumens on a standard CR123- you have to use a 16340 cell to draw the max power out of it, according to the Lumapower site, but it's still a very decent review nonetheless!

BTW, if you order this light from BatteryJunction, they throw in most of the items that are listed as "extras" in his article for free!:huh:

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