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Removing trimpot form Shark question

Greg G

Oct 17, 2007
I removed a non-functioning trimpot from a Shark driver (3D Mag build). I see on the Sandwich Shoppe site that I am supposed to jumper accross two of the pads when the trimpot is removed. I forgot to do that (one of those 3 A.M. builds) and assembled and fired the light up. It works great.

Is there any downside to leaving it alone? Will running the Shark in this configuration damage it? Should I take it apart and jumper it?

Do you have something else connected to the pads like an external trim pot?

The center tap control point is floating if the two pads are not jumpered. The control pin will usually float to GND which will turn the light off.

I doubt the light will always light up full brightness as is. If it does then no need to go back. If it behaves weird and not full brightness or no light at all then the pads need to be jumpered.

Thanks Wayne. No, there is nothing there now where the pot once was. The light is doing one weird thing. This is a 3D Mag, and if I tighten the screw on the switch that holds it in place and grounds it to the flashlight body the light turns off. If I back it out the light comes on. It's bright when it comes on. If I tighten that set screw slowly the light will start to flicker then die as it makes contact.

I'll take it apart tomorrow and jumper it like it is supposed to be.

I'll be placing another order in the next day or two. Just need to figure out everything I need. Many thanks for all the products and support you bring to new guys like myself. :D I'd never figure it out on my own. :thinking:


It's amazing how well things usually turn out when I follow instructions. :ohgeez:

I took the light apart and jumpered the two pads with solder. Put it back together and Wa La! :naughty:....it works like it is supposed to. If I unscrew the ground screw that goes through the switch the light turns off, not the opposite like before.

To remove the trim pot properly takes two soldering irons to heat both sides of the trim pot.

If you do not have the proper equipment to remove the trim pot consider ordering the Shark with the option to have the trim pot removed. It's on the Shark order page as a pull down option.

I removed this one carefully with a small pair of sharp side cutters. Not something I'd advise to anyone, but didn't have much choice at the time.