I notice from some of the close-up shots on DealExtreme that the drivers often use Microchip PIC controllers.
I do a lot with PICs. I have a programmer.
Has anyone been doing work with completely reprogramming these? Not this "reprogramming" by using easter eggs in the code but giving it new code.
It'd be nice to get rid of retarded SOS/strobe modes, maybe give it a "soft" turn-on so I'm not blinded (well, not really that necessary just a personal touch). And make it just use the two or three levels I'd want.
Be nice if I could press the button a certain way and have it report battery voltage with a number of flashes.
I do a lot with PICs. I have a programmer.
Has anyone been doing work with completely reprogramming these? Not this "reprogramming" by using easter eggs in the code but giving it new code.
It'd be nice to get rid of retarded SOS/strobe modes, maybe give it a "soft" turn-on so I'm not blinded (well, not really that necessary just a personal touch). And make it just use the two or three levels I'd want.
Be nice if I could press the button a certain way and have it report battery voltage with a number of flashes.