Review: Convoy L6 (XHP-70, 2x26650)

I tried Convoy L6 with non branded (but protected) 26650 but can only get 2 modes and quite dim, what might be wrong?

I'm suspecting the batteries but that's the best I can get for now. Buying from aboard will took 1-2 months because batteries cant be shipped by plane.
What are the length of your cells? If you read though the thread over on BLF a lot of "problems" have been solved by using the correct length cells. I believe the ideal length is 67-69mm per cell. Longer and it is to tight of a fit and if shorter the cells don't make good connection.

L6 requires high-drain batteries.
so this might be reason
Actually the L6 is a constant current light drawing about 5 amps at the tail. Any quality 26650 cell will run it just fine. Most guys on BLF are using protected 5200 or 4200mah cells.
Just another Convoy L6 beam shot. This time on turbo, looking at trees 220m away.
Where can we buy that internationally ?
Amazon doesn't seem to sell it.
Found it only on aliexpress, good enough ?
Where can we buy that internationally ?
Amazon doesn't seem to sell it.
Found it only on aliexpress, good enough ?
I bought mine on banggood. Still waiting for it to arrive though. Somehow my 26650s got here first :(
Where can we buy that internationally ?
Amazon doesn't seem to sell it.
Found it only on aliexpress, good enough ?

"Shenzhen Convoy Electronics Co., Ltd" on AliExpress is the Convoy store. You'll notice the name "Simon" on the AliExpress page under "Service Center".

I ordered a Convoy C8 from AliExpress and it was shipped right away. It arrived in perfect condition and I was impressed with the build quality of this light (Convoy has a great reputation for their products). The light is impressive and it was a great price (& free shipping). The L6 is certainly an impressive light! The photos above are amazing! :)

Personally, I will only order Convoy flashlights from AliExpress (for various reasons).

I hope this information is helpful :)
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Stephenk thanks for that last photo, it's the type of beamshot I have been waiting for! Truly light everywhere, definitely puts it farther up on to buy list as it looks to be a great all around light.

Where can we buy that internationally ?
Amazon doesn't seem to sell it.
Found it only on aliexpress, good enough ?
Yes as Wendee said "Shenzhen Convoy Electronics Co. LTD." on Alixexpress is Simon's (owner of Convoy) official store. I have yet to order from him but everything I have read heavily suggests to order directly from him.
man....everywhere I look the NW version of this light is sold out and on back order. I at least have my 2200 OTF lumen Eagtac MX25L2 to keep my big light jets cool until stores get restocked.
What is your opinion guys this light vs Acebeam K60 ?

Also I'm a bit scared because I read out that there is battery problem :(
So what battery I need to buy but that they are checked to work well and fit, but not expensive ?
What is your opinion guys this light vs Acebeam K60 ?

Also I'm a bit scared because I read out that there is battery problem :(
So what battery I need to buy but that they are checked to work well and fit, but not expensive ?
I don't have an Acebeam K60 so can't answer that question.

26650s between 65mm and 70mm in length should fit. The most suitable choice will depend on where you live (i.e. your purchase options) and whether you want protected or unprotected cells. Cells must be able to connect in series. I'm personally using the shorter 2015 version of the Keeppower 5200mAh protected.
I have no idea where to check does cells are able to connect in series :(
I would like to take protected but cheaper.

Soshine 26650 3.7V 4200mAh Protected, max continuous discharge is 8A, and price is 17.40 $ for two.

SKY RAY SR26650 3.7V 5000mAh Protected, no other informations, price is 15.52 $ for two.

Also there is a unprotected :

KeepPower 5200mAh 26650 Rechargeable 3.7V IMR Flat Lithium Battery Max 30A, price is 18.65 $ for two.

No idea what can be able to connect in series.
I have no idea where to check does cells are able to connect in series :(
I would like to take protected but cheaper.

Soshine 26650 3.7V 4200mAh Protected, max continuous discharge is 8A, and price is 17.40 $ for two.

SKY RAY SR26650 3.7V 5000mAh Protected, no other informations, price is 15.52 $ for two.

Also there is a unprotected :

KeepPower 5200mAh 26650 Rechargeable 3.7V IMR Flat Lithium Battery Max 30A, price is 18.65 $ for two.

No idea what can be able to connect in series.

If the cell has a raised or button top at the +ve end, then it should connect in series.
When it comes to li-ion cells, it is best not to skimp too much on price. High quality cells from reputable manufacturers should always be used. There are plenty of reviews by HKJ at and topics in the batteries forum.
"Shenzhen Convoy Electronics Co., Ltd" on AliExpress is the Convoy store. You'll notice the name "Simon" on the AliExpress page under "Service Center".

I ordered a Convoy C8 from AliExpress and it was shipped right away. It arrived in perfect condition and I was impressed with the build quality of this light (Convoy has a great reputation for their products). The light is impressive and it was a great price (& free shipping). The L6 is certainly an impressive light! The photos above are amazing! :)

Personally, I will only order Convoy flashlights from AliExpress (for various reasons).

I hope this information is helpful :)

very helpful, thank you !

too bad he doesn't sell protected batteries with it ... it's not that easy to find apparently. => this site is great, but man ... it's too much reading. He should just make a ranking table...

i'm still unsure which battery i should buy, but those 2 are good candidates

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The short version of the recommended "Keeppower 26650 5200mAh" are hard to come by indeed, only source I found is :

"Best Power Co., Ltd" on AliExpress (store n° 918105)

I sent them a message to confirm the size, no answer yet.
I have never ordered from them so I have no idea if they are reliable or not.

The second candidate link you posted is for a 32650, not a 26650, that means the diameter will be 32 mm instead of 26 mm and won't fit.
After 5 weeks of shipping time I finally got my L6!!! What a beast! I chose the 4000mah high amp King Kong cells very carefully for length. The threads and O ring were dry as bone when I got it so thankfully I have lots of Nyogel on hand. Man this thing is crazy bright! Build quality seems pretty good as well. For such a high powered light I am surprised they did not go with 2x32650's. I like the mode spacing well done! I wish it had the Convoy logo on the side. Despite the L6's crazy output it does not throw near as well as my 2200 lumen ET MX25L2 which I found kind of surprising but hey for what you pay you get a LOT! As for cells I have seen a few YT vids from users that think they got a bad light but are using cells that are to long. It was the King Kongs or the new SoShine 5500mah cells. Never tried Kongs but am happy I gave them a shot.
After 5 weeks of shipping time I finally got my L6!!! What a beast! I chose the 4000mah high amp King Kong cells very carefully for length. The threads and O ring were dry as bone when I got it so thankfully I have lots of Nyogel on hand. Man this thing is crazy bright! Build quality seems pretty good as well. For such a high powered light I am surprised they did not go with 2x32650's. I like the mode spacing well done! I wish it had the Convoy logo on the side. Despite the L6's crazy output it does not throw near as well as my 2200 lumen ET MX25L2 which I found kind of surprising but hey for what you pay you get a LOT! As for cells I have seen a few YT vids from users that think they got a bad light but are using cells that are to long. It was the King Kongs or the new SoShine 5500mah cells. Never tried Kongs but am happy I gave them a shot.
There is a long thread on BLF which contains discussion on why 26650s were used over 32650s. The latter are still not particularly mainstream and difficult to obtain in some countries. This would probably limit sales.

Due the OP reflector, the L6 appears to be designed to have a good compromise between flood and throw which it excels at. There is also no donut hotspot (at more than 1m). The forthcoming smooth reflector will make it optionally more throwy.
Understood. I frequent BLF as well. While a smooth reflector for the L6 would be interesting its a lock there would be a dark hole in the middle of the beam. Happy with the stonkingly high output as it is. Have yet to take the L6 out along the Potomac to really test it out. My neighbor is a cop who works odd hours and in no way likes it when I light up my large back yard with my high output stuff when he is trying to sleep. Soooo....the weather is good today will give the river a shot.

As for 32650's all I know is FeiLong makes them and they are what comprise the 2x32650 battery pack in my MX25L2. The cells hold their charge unlike any other cell I have ever experienced. Do understand the economics behind the 2x26650 decision though. The L6 is surprisingly well made gave it a very close inspection.
Great review and pics.

What is the run time on turbo, high, etc
I've not had the chance to test the run times, in fact when charging after nights out light painting, I've yet to run my Keeppower 5200mAh 26650s below 3.8V.
The mode currents are - low 50mA, mid 200mA, high 1700mA, turbo 5000mA. The light is current controlled.
From that, the approximate run times can be calculated e.g. 5200mAh cells should provide just over 1 hour of runtime on turbo, around 3 hours on high, 26 hours on mid, 100+ hours on low. Given that the light cuts off around 3V, then the actual capacity used may be slightly less than the cells rated capacity.
nice review, the more I use the light now the more I like it. I took it to a park and was playing around, and I was totally impressed by the beam of this thing considering the price of this monster. It's a great security light, and I wish they have a stronger bezel or something, but I will have to test this bezel and smash some cans with it to know if it is good enough lol. Still, very impressive as a budget light, definitely not a "cheapo".
