Rewired laptop supply, help please


Newly Enlightened
Jun 5, 2004
Tonight it seems my HP laptop power supply died, the little black box was not warm like it usually is when my laptop lost power. I pulled out and old compaq unit and clipped the plugs and rewired the compaq box supply to the HP plug.

It works fine, the output specifics on the volts and amps are HPcomputer power supply are 18.5V and 3.5A

The output on the old compaq that is working is 19V and 3.16A

Am I OK??

Mods due to the vast electrical knowledge here this was the first place I thought of when I needed the info even though it's not flashlight related, actually I did use my Fenix while rewiring.

Can we please leave this here for a day or two?
You're *probably* ok. I wouldn't bet my life that the compaq power supply can run your HP at full steam (say, playing a CPU- and video-intensive game) as it has a slightly lower current rating, but it *should* cause no trouble.
The half of a volt more is irrelevant.
Thats what I was hoping to hear, I only use this laptop for surfing the net and downloading pics from my digital camera and short videos from my video camera.
should be fine. You might push it if you are charging a fully discharged battery while running the screen full brightness and running Super Pi continuously though.

I think HP pushes their adapter pretty hard. If my battery is charging from near empty and I'm surfing the web at the same time, even my proper adapter gets almost too hot to touch.
I'm in the laptop repair business & we are one of the largest repair depots for Laptops in US & Canada.

You're fine but I wouldn't use that as a long term replacement. Day or so as you said is fine. When it comes to ac adapters, don't buy cheap crap. You get what you pay for.