Rexlight 2.0 vs Fenix P2D


Newly Enlightened
Oct 28, 2006
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Received a P2D yesterday and a Rexlight 2.0 today. I have experienced several unexpected and surprising impressions in comparing these two lights.

With the glowing review from flashlightreviews and the positive remarks on the threads here, I expected the P2D to be my ultimate EDC. On the other hand, I ordered the Rexlight on a whim, and was hoping that it wouldn't be too big of a disappointment but for $30 WTH.

Of course, I am no flashtechnowhizbang but only a humble novice in the appreciation of flashlights but I am finding many superior qualities in the Rexlight over the P2D.

Firstly and to me the most important thing is the difference in the beams. The P2D has a distinct yellow green tint and is somwhat ringy and mottled. The Rexlight is very white and smooth, probably because of the OP reflector. This is on the famous white wall test.

To my uneducated eyeball the high on both lights seem about equal but the low on the Rex is substantially lower than the P2D. This is a good thing to me. I often want a very low level for personal use. The turbo on the P2D is much brighter than anything that the Rex can muster, at least on E2 lithiums, but I don't expect to be using turbo very much.

The 1/2 inch longer body on the Rex makes it much easier for my thumb to operate the clicky and thus it feels better and more natural in my hand.

The fit and finish on both lights are very good but I prefer the natural matt finish on the Rex to the glossy black of the Fenix. It does give a better grip.

The Rex runs on AAs available anywhere while the P2D dines on less convenient 123s. Runtime on the Rexlight will be quite a bit less I suspect but perhaps I will be surprised.

These are my highly subjective initial observations but I am VERY satisfied with my Rexlight and a little let down with the P2D.

Let the pummeling begin ! :touche:
It's mostly personal preference, but some of the commonly known issues or much talked about issues include :-

1) Fenix's Cree lights don't always have well-centred LEDs
2) Slightly blotchy beam due to non OP reflector (Nothing like their L1P which was the pioneer of smooth beamed and good quality Chinese lights)
3) Glossy black HA, which didn't seem to compare well (in terms of looks at least) to the likes of Jetbeam and other brands

As for AA size, I prefer that too, that's why I didn't get the P1D CE or other shorter lights; not ergonomic to hold with an overhand grip.

I'm still waiting for my Rexlight; it's taking a helluva long time. I believe I'll like most of it, except maybe the dumb-5-secs interface. And the fact that it was changed to Black HA instead of Nat.
Candelite, can you tell us what your order number was on the Rexlight? Glad you like it and are one of the lucky ones to actually have it.
LightBeing said:
Candelite, can you tell us what your order number was on the Rexlight? Glad you like it and are one of the lucky ones to actually have it.

My order # was 3386 and was shipped by Kai on April 17th, left the Hong Kong postoffice on April 19th. Canada Post shows on their website that it was received April 26th in Vancouver and to me on May 1st after a visit to Customs I guess. It took a while but, as I mentioned, was worth the wait much to my surprise and delight. :grin2:
Hi CandleLite

Was you running the rexlight on 14500 battery? It won't be as bright as the turbo l1d ce but always better than nimh

I have both lights. I see problems with rexlight 2.0: it cuts off after 1 hour on high, it's not flat regulated like the p2d and I don't like the pwm and the high pitch noise it makes. Also the rexlight lights modes seems to be finicky, I don't really know what mode it's going to go to. One time it goes on high, one time it goes to strobe, etc.

I see a problem with the p2d, I bought 2, one was white!! one was, warm white! Similarly I bought 2 p1d-ce... There seems to be variation in these tints. Warmer white I feel is better since it makes a better color rendition against greens...... but not too warm...
But overall, the flat regulation on the p2d beats the rexlight! sides, I can always get a l1d body...... I think in terms of technology circuit and regulation, rexlight is a step behind.....
I just got a Rexlight in today so I haven't had time to play with it very long... So far, I quite like it though... On a 14500 cell, it doesn't seem quite as bright as any of my Jetbeam C-LEs on 14500 cells, but very, very close. The low mode on the Rexlight is still quite low even on a 14500 unlike many other lights. PWM doesn't bother me too much, and it keeps a consistant tint.
I run my Rexlight on a 14500 and it is quite a bit brighter than the L1DCE with a single 1.5v cell. I would guess the Rexlight is around 110 lumens on a 14500 cell. I love mine!

dardar said:
Hi CandleLite

Was you running the rexlight on 14500 battery? It won't be as bright as the turbo l1d ce but always better than nimh

Have you tried comparing them running a 14500 in both of them. I would think 4.2v(~3.5w) would be brighter than 1.5v(~1.5w). The L1D should put out around 130 lumens on 4.2V
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3 things I don't like about Rexlight 2.0:

1. It is poorly regulated with certain battery type (I used it mainly with 14500 and it seems to be fine).
2. Its mode is a bit unpredictable (but if you keep whatever mode on for 5 sec it will stay in that mode next time you turn on - however, I keep forgetting to do that half of the time while in use).
3. It is PWM.

Because of these short coming, I valued Rexlight up to $40 max. It definitely not worth $50.
adirondackdestroyer said:
I run my Rexlight on a 14500 and it is quite a bit brighter than the L1DCE with a single 1.5v cell. I would guess the Rexlight is around 110 lumens on a 14500 cell. I love mine!

I'm with you, after playing the my Rexlight, it is my favorite AA light ( I still love my little LOD-CE more though). I finally just realized that you can change modes with a soft touch to the tailcap clickie. I had no idea without any instructions I stumbled on to this feature (yeah, I know Duh?). Its much much faster scanning through modes. With the light touch mode change, I really don't care what mode I start in, its fast and easy to switch modes. I also love the very low low setting. great for poking around the bedroom while the wife and new baby are sleeping.
The SOS mode, is not an SOS mode at all, its just a slow strobe becon.
Still, a great light for 30 bucks....

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