Clearing out some lights that no longer make my edc rotation. Payment via PayPal f&f or add 3% for g&s. First to respond in thread with "I will take it" has precedence over other means of communication.
Reylight Anodized Titanium (Black Oil) Pineapple V4 – Nichia 219b 4500k. Excellent cosmetic and operating condition. $65 shipped USPS
Peak Logan in good condition. QTC operation is smooth. $45 shipped via USPS
SoldNoctigon KR4 with dedomed 519A 5700k LEDs (with dedoming, appears to be about 4500k), Mint. $35 shipped via USPS
SoldReylight Titanium Pineapple V4 – Nichia 219b 4500k. Excellent cosmetic and operating condition. $50 shipped USPS
SoldReylight Titanium LAN V4 – Nichia 219b 4500k. Excellent cosmetic and operating condition. $50 shipped USPS
SoldHDS Rotary NLT325 and HDSRB package, with CR123A battery tube and standard head included. Parts are in excellent cosmetic and operating condition. $450 shipped via USPS
Reylight Anodized Titanium (Black Oil) Pineapple V4 – Nichia 219b 4500k. Excellent cosmetic and operating condition. $65 shipped USPS
Peak Logan in good condition. QTC operation is smooth. $45 shipped via USPS
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