I bought this controller to change RGB LEDs to different hues as a mood lamp:
It takes 12V DC and puts out 12V DC. It is supposed to support up to 6A of current. I have successfully tested it with low powered LEDs, but because the different colored LEDs take different voltages, they don't add up to exactly 12V so I tried adding a resistor. The resistors got very hot and some burned out.
Now I've got 3 of each of 1W red, green, and blue LEDs and I want to make a bright lamp but I'm not sure if I need a constant current driver. The online LED calculator says my circuit requires too much power and can't match a resistor to my needs.
My question is, can this PWM controller be used to power a 12V constant-current LED driver? I've seen some pretty cheap ones (I'm in China) that look like they were designed for flashlights (they have two pins at the bottom):
Should these work fine with a PWM source such as my controller or an Arduino?
It takes 12V DC and puts out 12V DC. It is supposed to support up to 6A of current. I have successfully tested it with low powered LEDs, but because the different colored LEDs take different voltages, they don't add up to exactly 12V so I tried adding a resistor. The resistors got very hot and some burned out.
Now I've got 3 of each of 1W red, green, and blue LEDs and I want to make a bright lamp but I'm not sure if I need a constant current driver. The online LED calculator says my circuit requires too much power and can't match a resistor to my needs.
My question is, can this PWM controller be used to power a 12V constant-current LED driver? I've seen some pretty cheap ones (I'm in China) that look like they were designed for flashlights (they have two pins at the bottom):
Should these work fine with a PWM source such as my controller or an Arduino?
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