Ridiculed By Non-Flashlight Lovers

Originally posted by BuddTX:
Explain to her.....and it has a very serious practicle side to it.....
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Which is one thing that makes our hobby special. It can have a direct effect upon people's safety and security; even their very survival.

The extent to which inventors, manufacturers and dealers solicit our comments, advice and reviews is unusual for any hobby. Sometimes a bad review here can have unforseen POSITIVE ramifications. I'm thinking of (but not mentioning; I'm being deliberately vague) a review of a light advertised prominantly in an important national catalog. The initial CPF reviewer commented upon certain negative features of the light which prompted a "professional" CPF member to purchase and review the light even more negatively, finding a potentially "dangerous" feature. Second reviewer later convinced another professional who owned this light to purchase a different one. Even though we can't know if this will ever result in a life saved or an injury averted, the chances for a positive outcome were significantly enhanced.

Sorry for all this round-about tiptoeing, but I think that many of us have recently become a bit more discreet about naming names of things and/or people in certain situations.

All I'm saying is that our hobby is a particularly rewarding one with real world consequences.

and it's fun too
I get my stones busted all the time by friends, co-workers and family. They just don't understand how one light it different than the other. Oh well, at least I'm home and not getting into trouble..... unless you count the neighbors that get pissed because I'm shining the likes of an M6, UltraStinger, x990 and soon a TigerLight into their windows.
Hi all you torchies out there!
I don't know what it is about bright cyan torches that attract so much attenion and fear in some people! Like its a ray gun or something?
To those that know me, they all say that they want my torch, so I duly build them one! could be increasing the number oof new torchies here in England... one BT2 and they're hooked and become a torchie for life!
I suppose most non-torchies would be disturbed bout the number of torches I have hanging off the cup hooks by thier lanyards in the kitchen. I've had the comment "what's for dinner tonight...roast torch followed by boiled torch followed by torch pudding?"!
Like most torchies I want to show people that solid state torches are reliable, bright, fun, cheap to run and don't cost an arm and a leg to buy! I see my torchmaking and that of others on this forum as a form of artistic expression... torches like my "Oranges & Lemons" I made just to see what kind of beam I get from mixed coloured LED's...
It seems to me that most torchies are art orientated,,,Mr Bulk is a musician as am I...

Although I say that these torches are pieces of art, they are still highly practical illumination tools... those that are not sold on to others are often leased out at camp meetings and the like!
We can also help shape the mass-market world with our inventions and our opinions...torch makers who believe in thier product are willing to have thier creations be given the critical eye of an expert torchaholic!
So, though we may get persecuted by our wives, mistrusted by the genral public we are the ones lightng a beter way to a better future!
Originally posted by EMPOWERTORCH:
....So, though we may get persecuted by our wives, mistrusted by the genral public we are the ones lightng a beter way to a better future!
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Well Said!!

I'm reposting an experience that occurred back in April of this year.
posted 05-04-2002 09:46 PM
Embarassing moment with Inova X5

My colleagues at work have come to regard my flashlight obsession with amused tolerance, and even occasional interest when I boast of CPF's growing importance and influence.
The other day a bunch of us were sitting around listening to "Scuba Paul" relate some recent night diving adventures. I mentioned that some day LED's will be bright enough to be primary or at least strong back up dive lights. He wasn't sure what I meant by "LED's", so I said "light emitting diodes" which he recognized as "indicator lights". I tried to describe how bright they were getting, and one guy hauled out a partly depleted Photon which didn't impress Paul in the least, so I unholstered my black Inova X5 and said "watch this". They watched.…and watched.…and watched....... NO #%$!@^!! LIGHT!!! I tried everything and it just didn't work. It was a moment of pure unadulterated humiliation! (I'm exaggerating a little for dramatic effect). Remarks such as "And you're the flashlight expert????" and "You want to borrow my Maglite?" filled the air as I slunk away with my tailight between my legs. I couldn't wait to get home and post an "Inova Alert".

I got on line and was about to post when a mental light bulb went off. I opened the light up one more time and looked carefully. My beautiful and (usually) highly intelligent girlfriend had been playing with the Inova, had removed the batteries and reinstalled them in the "normal" but incorrect way, with the positive end pointing toward the lamp, and even though I had inspected it the first time I somehow had failed to notice it.

TMALSS (to make a long story short) the next day at work I demonstrated the now functional Inova to some politely uninterested colleagues and felt very un-vindicated until I showed it once again to "Scuba Paul" who became genuinely interested to the point that I thought he might be a potential convert and CPF member. He said he wasn't ready to go "That Far" yet and I let it drop.

We say: Surefire, Streamlight, Arc.
They say: Donna Karan, Prada, Coach.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The difference being that Surefire/Streamlight/Arc will still be usable (and in fashion), whereas her stuff will be history...
I am retired. My wife passed away in 1989. My kids all have good jobs, or are well married.

They tell me "Spend you money however you like."

I have found that women are a dime a dozen however, Surefire flashlights are not!

Most women don't like it when you buy pickup trucks, guns,knives or flashlights. NO MATTER WHAT THEY MAY TELL YOU IN ORDER TO HOOK YOU!

Therefore, I am single because, I am addicted to the pickup, gun, knife, and flashlight.

The above is a bit of advice for you young guys. I do understand that like my kids, you will not listen to advice. Thats OK, You provide me with a great deal of information and amusement.

Merry Christmas. May your wife and/or girlfriend buy you an expensive flashlight for a present.
I was JUST thinking about this lastnight...this hobby. Is it weird? Well isn't it great to have a hobby...some people don't and never know what to do with themselves. It's a good feeling to have a hobby like this upon all other things. I don't have a partner yet, but I do fear this being revealed hah.

So I was thinking...what other hobbies would be weird to us or others.
Our hobby involves buying and modifying objects, measuring performance and quality...like autos or computers or any other popular hobby:
Who's flashlight is brighter/car is faster/computer is faster
I put a brighter bulb in mine/put a more powerful engine in mine/faster processor in mine
I incresed the voltage or current of my flashlight/added nitrous to my car/overclocked my computer
I added a clip or holster to mine/added a spoiler to my car/bought a new case for mine
I polished my flashlight/polished my car
/cleaned my computer

It can't be compared to bottlecap or pokémon card collecting - those really don't involve anything. So in actuality it's really not a silly interest...but it still seems like it in the simplest way?
All I can say is my wife thinks I'm nuts!
"What's with this flashlight thing", she keeps asking me... As if it needs a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Men love bright,shiny things

btw, Size does matter...
I don't have a spouse (Illegal in most places on Earth - figure it out). I do live with my eighty something mother and she complains every time I get a package. My normal shopping method, is online/mailorder. I find I can get things cheaper online or mailorder than locally.

When my mom complains, I remind her that at least these are useful items.
I use key words all the time. Words like usefull, hurricane, power out, etc.

But it always comes back to "but do you really need ALL those flashlights?" or "ANOTHER flashlight???".

Could be worse. Could be shelling out the bucks for any number of more expensive hobbies, or bad habbits. Bright lights ROCK!

When my Madmax comes and I show it off, and they say "nice what did it cost?" it'll just bring more of the above questions. Sigh.

Hehe, I guess I'll just say a Maglite like this is less than 10 bucks.... and let it go at that!
At least there isn't a national ANTI-FLASHLIGHT group that trys to ban bright lights like the Brady Group trys to ban guns.

I have never heard a news report of guy barracaded in house that stockpiled hundreds of flashlights and thousands of batteries.

You do get the occasional wacko that stockpiles gasoline or propane, but you only hear about him when his house blows up.
Almost any collecting hobby can be weird. i've seen women that collect only elephant curious or pigs, dogs, eggs, etc. CPF always comes up in conversations with people and the one thing that most point out is that there is a fetish for anything out there. Hey could be worse, we could all be smoking crack.
I draged my wife to a local gun show. I wanted to buy a few hundred rounds of ammo. Walking around, I saw a full auto G3 for $7,000. "Honey, can I". She gave me the stink eye. I saw some AR10's for $1,200. Repeat of above. Next was suppressors. See above. Double action Microtech auto knife. See above. "Honey, I'm going to buy an under a $100 flashlight soon". She, "Crap, another one?. All right".
One needs the right approach to feed a cheaper hobby.

P.S. I haven't yet told her I want a Kahr MP40 pistol.
All those people that ridicule us, are in the "dark side"

Why is duct-tape like the force ?

It has a light side and a dark side, and it binds the universe together
Make a business out of it and then all the flashlights you buy all of sudden become market research
That's what I say.

Still yes, some people think I'm crazy when I tell them it is $120 for this Arc LS I have here on my belt clip but if you talk to the right people in the right circles the answer comes back "that's exactly what I've been looking for...for my husband who already has everything". Yes guys, women like this do exist and they are happily married! Heh you can understand why. What a wonderful life that must be.

It's mostly a matter of income relativity. Especially for something that only creates light. Now if you add some gadget factor like the Eternalights now you draw a larger crowd and now it's a toy and has some entertainment value.

Hey brightnorm, I had the exact same thing happen with my X5T while demo'ing it to an arcade machine tech. I luckily had new batteries in my bag of tricks I carry with me so when I went to replace them I found the problem. My 3 year old like to play...

As for a cheaper hobby. This one isn't so bad. It could get as expensive as others but even if you could spend more on flashlights than racing RC's, flying airplanes, online gaming, guns, knives, cars, et all.. The time commitment is near nothing comparatively. Tell your other half "would you rather me spend only $12/month and play Evercrack 5 hours a day". And thats a mild addiction.

I, like all of you, am glad for the CPF. Someplace to feel at home amongst kindred souls.

Best regards,