My UltraStinger is not as ringy as M*gLites in that there are no major dark voids, but still, there are shadows and contrasts - it's no SureFire to be sure.
The major (perhaps for me, only) advantage is that when it isn't defocused, it's got a tight bright beam that throws a long way. For me, in use, the flaws in the beam are noticable, but not overly annoying because I use the UltraStinger to "tunnel-vision" myself for longer range target illumination. If I want to take in the whole situation - light up my back garden - the environment and my surroundings, I use a SureFire like the M3T, M4, M6, 10X, 9AN+KT3, 8NX+KT5, 9P+KT2 or 12PM(T) [you get the idea right?]. If I want to 'follow-spot' someone with intense white light, I use the UltraStinger or usually the 9NT.
Beam quality in use (at the ranges intended for the flashlight to shine at), the UltraStinger does a good job with it's beam. I hope my TigerLight will arrive tomorrow, and that it does an even better job.