Ringy UltraStinger?


Newly Enlightened
May 8, 2002
North East
I've been wondering this for a while, just have not asked...are your UltraStingers beams ringy? Mine has a great hotspot but the beam has a lot of rings from the hotspot. I have the 50/50 reflector.

My UltraStinger is not as ringy as M*gLites in that there are no major dark voids, but still, there are shadows and contrasts - it's no SureFire to be sure.
The major (perhaps for me, only) advantage is that when it isn't defocused, it's got a tight bright beam that throws a long way. For me, in use, the flaws in the beam are noticable, but not overly annoying because I use the UltraStinger to "tunnel-vision" myself for longer range target illumination. If I want to take in the whole situation - light up my back garden - the environment and my surroundings, I use a SureFire like the M3T, M4, M6, 10X, 9AN+KT3, 8NX+KT5, 9P+KT2 or 12PM(T) [you get the idea right?]. If I want to 'follow-spot' someone with intense white light, I use the UltraStinger or usually the 9NT.

Beam quality in use (at the ranges intended for the flashlight to shine at), the UltraStinger does a good job with it's beam. I hope my TigerLight will arrive tomorrow, and that it does an even better job.

I have the fully textured Ultrastinger, and it isn't ringy at all. I don't know if it has a better beam or the newer one, but its great for me. Everyone is always very impressed with my Ultrastinger.

It doesn't have the beam quality that my M2 has, but it is VERY nice, ages better than any maglight I've ever seen.

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