Romisen tailcap compatbility questions


Newly Enlightened
Mar 24, 2008
Hi CPF! First post here :) I have a little issue:

I own an RC-N3 (Forward clicky) and an RC-F4 (Reverse clicky). However, my new RC-F4's switch had an early, unexpected, failure. I tried the RC-N3 tailcap on my RC-F4 and it didn't work. (The tailcap was too short. It didn't make contact on the body).

I was offered some "compensation" by the vendor I purchased from, and I was wondering which other Romisen Tailcaps can work with the RC-F4.

I was thinking I could purchase the RC-G2 and use that tailcap on my RC-F4 body.

Can anyone with the RC-G2 and RC-F4 do a simple swap and tell me if they are intercompatible?

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Hi fellow noobie, I checked and the diameter of the G2 tailcap is a shade too small to engage the threads on the F4. The F4 is great, you definitly want to get it working.
Hi fellow noobie, I checked and the diameter of the G2 tailcap is a shade too small to engage the threads on the F4. The F4 is great, you definitly want to get it working.

Thanks for testing :)

alfreddajero said:
Instead of just switching the whole tailcap have you tried just doing the switch.

I removed the RC-F4's, err... "pill" :thinking: of the switch? And looking at it tells me I cannot remove the actual switch unit without destroying the whole aluminum screw-case. If someone can point me towards the right direction towards removing the actual switch (out of the aluminum housing), that'd be great :)

As for removing my RC-N3's switch to put into my RC-F4, my RC-N3's switch seems to be really jammed in there. It won't screw out, so I figure the threads are really dirty (as it was in my tight RC-N3 head) ,and something really jammed it in.

Does anyone else know if any other tailcaps work with the RC-F4?

Otherwise, I think I'll get myself another RC-F4 :), and maybe swap the emitter to Q5 to make it a tad brighter :)
Shining Beam sells the F4 with a Q5. You could switch the tailcaps between the two and compare performance.
If someone can point me towards the right direction towards removing the actual switch (out of the aluminum housing), that'd be great :)
Insert needle nose pliars or similar into the two holes of the switch, then just unscrew it out while holding on to the tailcap. It sounds like you may have been doing that though. My RC-N3 switches both came out easily.

BTW. The RC-G2 switch is NOT the same size as the RC-N3. I'm not sure about the RC-F4.
I just tried my RC-N3 tailcap on my RC-F4, and it functions perfectly. My F-4 is about 5-6 months old, and my N-3 about 3weeks. Maybe they changed the specs somewhere along the line?
I should be able to get some customized forward clicky tailcap for RC-F4 within next 5 business days. :naughty:

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