Rope Lighters, modern & antique, pics


Feb 8, 2006
:candle: I won a vintage Rope Lighter, mfg in Michigan back in the day, at the popular auction site today, item #230148891669. I'll post some pics when it gets here. UPDATE: pics at post #20

Here is a link to a new Rope Lighter offered by a Japanese vendor:|en&u=

It works by shooting sparks into a cotton rope. The sparks create an ember. Blow on the ember to create a flame. No lighter fluid used.

Definitely old school.

IMCO created the fueled lighter during WWI (IMCO still produces new lighters using flint, fluid and wick). When did the rope lighters come on the scene? I wonder how old they are.

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Re: Rope Lighter

hey oregon - fascinating! I see some others there that go by 'trench lighters'. Similar to or same as rope lighters. Also saw one that is a lot like the capsule lighters you sell but it's vintage 1930's probably - an old Austrian one (item # 270121041988 if we are talking the same place :) ). If you are into something really unusual for a fire starter have you seen the wood fire starter pistons? Not exactly a cigarette lighter - more of a survival method of making fire that is fairly fast - see this for more info:
Re: Rope Lighter

(item # 270121041988 if we are talking the same place :) ).

We are talking about the same place. The Lipstick lighter is spot on the same as the capsule lighters (without the threaded closure and gasket). Everything is the product of step evolution: rope lighter - fueled lighter - encapsulated lighter - ??? you tell me what is next.:drool:

Our Japanese friends have told me that their Windmill made Rope Lighter will be selling again sometime this week: item #320080178114. However, the price in on the translated site is only $15, if I converted yen to dollars properly, (before shipping) while the auction site price is closer to $25. I wish that my Japanese was better. I want one, not sure how useful it would be in the field, but I still want one. I cannot find another current manufacturer of the Rope Lighter. You should consider doing a group buy for these.:thumbsup:

The Fire Piston is a hoot. It looks tricky to build properly. I watched the video of it in action and that one was most impressive. Does anyone mfg a good one for sale I wonder?

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Re: Rope Lighter

Nice one!:thumbsup:
I know they still sell them in Spain and Marocco, but I haven't seen one in years...

I'd love to get this one, but I'll need to figure out how to order. :p :stupid:
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Re: Rope Lighter

Nice one!:thumbsup:
I know they still sell them in Spain and Marocco, but I haven't seen one in years...

I'd love to get this one, but I'll need to figure out how to order. :p :stupid:

I used the link below to send a message to the Japanese vendor about the Rope Lighter. You could use it to send a message about the Terminator's bell rope in the pics above.

The seller has stuff on the popular auction site. They responded to my inquiry. I bet that they would respond to your email. You might want to put the above picture into your request to the vendor. Get two would you please. I need one. Great gadget appeal in this lighter. Looks like a plumbing fixture. About $25, before shipping, if the site is current and I have converted properly.

All the best,

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Re: Rope Lighter

The Fire Piston is a hoot. It looks tricky to build properly. I watched the video of it in action and that one was most impressive. Does anyone mfg a good one for sale I wonder?


I've wanted to buy one but it's half way down a long want list :sigh: . I've seen several on eBay and at least one seller has 100% feedback - they appear to be quality crafted so that's probably where I'll get one eventually as the ones I've seen on web sites tend to be 40-100% more.
Re: Rope Lighter

Yeah I ahve seen those rope lighters before, very neat! On that popular auction site they can be had cheap, just gotta watch for when they have a few on at the same time...
Re: Rope Lighter

Yeah I ahve seen those rope lighters before, very neat! On that popular auction site they can be had cheap, just gotta watch for when they have a few on at the same time...

I will keep my eyeballs pealed for bargain Rope Lighters on the bay.

The Japanese site got back to me on the Rope Lighters (each one comes with two 30cm ropes): $23 + shipping of $6 to $12 depending on desired speed and insurance needs. They said that they can ship after July 9th. And, the one Bart favors (Duke 2) is $30 and it will be available at the same time. For both: $65 shipped EMS including insurance. I'm thinking about it.

Re: Rope Lighter

Oregon, I've seen the rope lighters before, while they're cool looking & I love the idea of no lighter fluid I can't see carrying around a foot-long piece of rope.

Bart, where did you find that lighter? I just googled around & came up with nothing, do you have a link or a name you could share please?
Re: Rope Lighter

Oregon, I've seen the rope lighters before, while they're cool looking & I love the idea of no lighter fluid I can't see carrying around a foot-long piece of rope.

Definitely a historic curio for lighter fans. My order is in.

Bart, where did you find that lighter? I just googled around & came up with nothing, do you have a link or a name you could share please?

Here you go, scroll down.|en&hl=en&ie=ASCII I have one of these and one of the rope lighters ordered. Shipping July 9th from Japan thanks to Noriko.

You can key into "Easy Collectibles" on the popular auction site or or email directly [email protected].

All the best,

Re: Rope Lighter

Thanks Oregon.

You are welcome bubba.

My order has shipped already! Our Japanese friends are as fast as chain blue lightning. Here is the message I received early this morning from Noriko (bold added by me, oregon):

"Hi Stephen,

Thank you for your quick payment!!
Lighters arrived here today.
I shipped to you by EMS today.

1 Rope lighters w/2 extra ropes $23.00
2 extra ropes $5.00
1 Duke 2 lighter $30.00

Your EMS tracking(item) number is EI311475875JP

You will receive it within 3-5 days.

We do appreciate your business and look forward to serving you
again in the future.

Thank you,
Ichiro & Noriko Matsui
8-28 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi,
Shiga-ken, 526-0059 JAPAN "
Re: Rope Lighter

Wow that looks interesting. Its great to find things from an older era that work just as well as the new stuff coming out now.
Re: Rope Lighter

Wow that looks interesting. Its great to find things from an older era that work just as well as the new stuff coming out now.

What you said + 1.

I am not entirely happy with butane fueled lighters. Too finicky IMHO. I wouldn't bet my life on one. Old school for me. Don't change your boat in midstream.

Search key word "trench lighter" on the popular auction site and Google. You sometimes see Rope Lighters and other tried and true fire tools.

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Re: Rope Lighter










The stamped inscription on the Rope Lighter reads:


Link to some Bowers Mfg. history:

Flints load like chambering a round. The brass knob on the spring-loaded flint plunger is pulled back and held while you drop in a flint. Let the plunger fly and the flint is contacting the striker wheel. The spring is quite strong and its business end hold a tiny plunger (looks just like a miniature valve from an engine) which contacts the flint. Without a flint in the lighter this plunger does not contact the striker wheel.

There must be a technique used to start the rope burning. I have made several small embers in the rope but they go out pretty fast when I blow on them. My technique is to roll the striker wheel across my palm to generate a stream of sparks. Another approach is to push the striker wheel along my levis and this gives a longer stream of sparks. Who has the technique down pat?

Hard to get an ember for me. Perhaps restricting yourself to only using a Rope Lighter to light your tobacco would be one way to quit smoking.

What is the hole in the center for? Keyring perhaps. Is it missing something. Maybe a cap for the burnt end so you can extinguish the ember and keep your pocket clean and fire free.

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