Rough Rider Classic Carbon


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

I was cleaning out some old boxes and what should I find in one of the boxes ?
A RR2212 classic carbon .
I love classic pocket knives , what i don't love about every RR CC I own is the side to side blade play . ( Every one of them )

I don't remember ever testing this one .... so .
Went to sharpen it ........ and ! The edge is not FUBAR but rather , FUKUSHIMA .
So the other day I refreshed the grinding wheel by resurfacing it . It's been wanting a re surface for a while now .
The grind really showed up some bad factory grinding . Both blades were re ground & hopefully soon I will put the knife to the rope .
The blade shape is horrendous for re sharpening ( guided or ground ) . Should not effect free hand , but they chose to use a bunch of angles on this ( factory ) .
I like the USA price on the RR knives , but here in Oz we get a little ripped ! Previously the RR CC knives I own tested OK for the price . ( Just that blade play )
Will be updated when I put the knife to the rope .

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Ok - Update !

2 years ago I tested this knife ... 100 slices Factory Edge / 300 slices reground .
This time around I did 350 slices for a fail ( rolled the apex apparently ) ..
Edge is around 18 degrees ( per side ) .. Hard to get an exact as the blade is - Warped / twisted / un evenly ground . - What ever .
The main blade is ................ Poor ! And in my opinion might belong in the junk box ! ( QC anyone ? )
Yeah , blade play + the main blade pulls to one side and hits the liner .
If my memory serves , I had to bevel the liner to stop the main blade biting into it on closing .
I like classic knives = When they are properly made ! The RR range is too expensive in Oz to buy rubbish .
In the USA they are burgers and fries money .. So if you get one that's intolerable , you can always just give it away !
I wish this one had been burgers and fries money ! ( Buyers remorse )

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Sounds like someone would be better off buying a burger and some fries rather than this thing.
Been trying to upload the video ...
Is MS EDGE messing with me ?
I removed this spyware ( my opinion ) and now it's back .. ( UPDATE put it back ) Keeps running in the background even when turned off !
Puter runs just fine without EDGE . ( W10 ) MS just keeps upping the spy game . Apparently 11 is a dozy !
I have tried a few flavors of De Bloated 10 and 11 .. And a few of them have thrown up red flags with AV software ( Software Deleted ) .. But most seem to be passing scans before and after being installed on test drives .
Must be a reason MS is desperate to have EDGE on a computer ?
Anyways , just removed it again and it's dependencies & .............. I can upload to VEOH again !
What a funny coincidence ( ? ) Video is transcoding ...
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