BPS B1 1066 Carbon Scandi


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
BPS is a Ukrainian knife company . And unfortunately they are possibly operating under difficult conditions at the moment .
This would be my 3rd BPS knife and unfortunately also the most disappointing .

What we have is a 1066 carbon blade that is relatively thin stock & a high scandi grind making for a very tight bevel ! This makes for a very thin apex which could ( is ) possibly prone to weakness ! Yeah ....... Re sharpening this knife was a nightmare ! I tried full scandi , but the steel just would not sustain such ! The edge actually fractured & chipped during sharpening * ( As I was sharpening ) . Now many might think the steel too hard , but my HRC files say NAY ! My 55HRC file bit the blade hard and the 50HRC file grabbed the steel , but did not bite it . ( Like chewing gum sticks to things ) . Yeah , so the steel is too close to 50HRC . Thin blade stock , 1066 , high grind , and some what soft = Bad Ju Ju for scandi !

Factory edge wore a micro bevel and failed the rope slice at 100 slices ! Re sharpened the edge failed at 200 slices and stropped back . ????? That's the thing about soft steel , strops back relatively easy . Especially if the edge was sharpened well enough .

Bushcrafty ! - It scrapes wood with the spine , and scrapes the ferro rod rather well . ( In the video ) .

Conclusion ! (?) It's not great knife , it's not what I would call a good knife . It's an OK knife - as long as you don't pay too much for it !
Butt & it's a huge Butt ! The sheath is great , absolutely amazing ! So if you think about how much a sheath can cost you . then maybe your paying $ for a great sheath and a free knife to go with it ? ( Or something like that ) .

Reddit loves that knife. Of course most of them probably don't even really use their knives. 100 cuts? That's really a shame. At least it stropped back easily.