Run-Time Plot - SL Batonlite

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Farewell our Curmudgeon Administrator
Apr 14, 2002
Granbury, Tx USA
This runtime plot is for a Streamlight Batonlite three led flashlight. At the end of 16 hours the Batonlite was still generating enough light to see your feet.

Equipment used is a photocell and a Radio Shack 22-805 multimeter with a PC interface that is using ScopeView software (V1.08).

The vertical axis is MA and the horizontal axis is 30 minutes per division.

Be aware that your actual battery mileage may vary from that indicated by this runtime plot.

Love these graphs Roy. Do you by any chance have a PT Atitude??? I would really like to see what it does.

Thanks for all the info.
"At the end of 16 hours the Batonlite was still generating enough light to see your feet."

I donno about that Roy. Depends on how tall you are...I'm short though so I don't think it'd be a problem...
Originally posted by Saaby:
"At the end of 16 hours the Batonlite was still generating enough light to see your feet."

I donno about that Roy. Depends on how tall you are...I'm short though so I don't think it'd be a problem...
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Depends on your shape, too. I know a couple of people that haven't been able to see their feet for years.

These graphs are GREAT! Now I don't want to buy a light unless I see a nice review from Craig, good comments from CPF people, and a graph from Roy. Boy am I spoiled.
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