runtime/discharge for a 17670 in a G2 w/LED?


Jan 23, 2007
Hi, I've got a regular G2 with the WE 4-mode LED drop-in linked below.

I'm looking to go rechargeable, and I'm inclined to get one of AW's protected 17670s (1600 mAH) with an Ultrafire WF-139 charger. Before pulling the trigger though, I've got a few questions that I'm hoping you all could help me with. I did some searching just now and didn't come up with answers. Here goes.

1) What kind of runtime should I expect? More or less than the 80 minute regulated that I get with 2 CR123As?

2) Output will still be regulated with the 17670, right? My understanding is that the drop-in is responsible for the regulation, and this particular one can handle a 3.7v Li-ion.

3) If I leave the 17670 in my G2 for a month, how much capacity will it have lost?

Thanks in advance for any help or pointers to threads I've missed!
I read in mdocod's guide that "Li-Ion cells...have little to no self-discharge," so that answers question 3.

What about questions 1 and 2? I guess what I'm most interested in is how long the drop-in will stay in regulation (on high, let's say) with a 17670...
You are going to get less time with 17670 than a 168A (18650 LiIon). Roughly 1500-1600 mAh vs 2200-2400 mAh per advertised capacity.

Thanks. Would you say around 66% of the runtime of the 18650, or is the relationship between capacity and runtime nonlinear?
About 66%. 17670 may sag a little more than 18650- voltage/current drop off under load. Looks like drop in was set up for 18650 or two CR123's, but 17670 will work ok.
